Women clothes code

Started by Saya, April 09, 2012, 02:43:28 AM

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Many people tell me Islam women cant cut their hair or wear pants. Here my question the Quran state both men and women dress modestyly. It's modesty about the culture ? For example it's mOdesty for women to wear t shirts but 50 year ago it wasn't.  It'snt it what society said is modesy

Truth Seeker


Where modesty is concerned, there are no specific types of clothing prescribed for a person to wear. So many cultures have their own  types of dress that can be deemed to be modest.

In some places, wearing shorts is commonplace amongst women but that would be an inappropriate item of clothing for a Muslim women to wear even though that particular society deems it to be the norm and perfectly acceptable.

We need to look at the Quranic guidelines and they indicate that a women should cover her arms and legs. Please see:
