Tasreeful Ayaat

Started by Sardar Miyan, May 15, 2012, 10:46:28 AM

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Sardar Miyan

I dont remeber to have discussed  Bro JAi about Tasreeful Ayaat.Any way I would like to know if we have any book having been compiled the Tasreeful Ayaat so that it would be handy to go through and enlighten ourselves. Thanks
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light

Joseph Islam

Salamun Alaikum brother Sardar,

I know this request was mentioned by you in an earlier post and apologies that there wasn't a suitable a response on the forum to your query.


Now while I agree with the Quranic concept of 'tasreef-al-ayaat' which I will discuss further below (for the benefit of other readers), one has to appreciate that this is a technique of analysis and will always remain somewhat subjective. The best approach is not to look for a 'book' but to appreciate the concept and attempt to study the Quran for yourself and gain the ability to discern.

That is my best humble advice.

For example, albeit I agree with Dr. Shabbir's understanding of the concept, I with respect, do not concur with many of his renditions in the QXP which he does in the name of 'tasreef al-ayat', yet which I personally find extremely outlandish. Students of the Quran can only give their perspective and allow the readers to discern.

The Quran does not use the word 'tasreef al-ayaat' but does make use of the expression 'tasreef-ariyah' (2:164 - directing / turning about) in the context of directing of the winds and the clouds from different places as it does in verse 45:5. The Quran also uses its verb form 'sarrafa' with regards the Quran to imply an explanation, turning about, displaying which also implies an explanation in different ways or to expound something from different angles (17:41, 17:89, 18:54).

However, in 6:46, we note 'sarrifu', but in the expression 'nusarriful-ayat' from the same verb 'sarrafa' to mean an explanation of verses / signs in different ways.

Generally in Muslim thought the concept of 'Tafsir' (exegesis) from the word 'f-s-r' (to explain, interpret, expound) is certainly widely known and as an approach, also has support as a Quranic concept.

It is acknowledged that the best source of 'Tafsir' (exegesis) of the Quran is one which is conducted from within the Quran itself. This underscores the maxim that one part of the Quran interprets other parts, as usually expressed in Arabic as, 'al-Quran yu-fassiru ba'dahu ba-dan'.

Even the Quran acknowledges that it is itself the best tafsir

"And they shall not bring to you any argument but We bring to you the truth and the best explanation (Arabic: Ahsana Tafsiran)

"God has revealed the most beautiful message in the form of a Book consistent with itself yet repeating (its teaching in various aspects); the skins of those who fear their Lord tremble from it; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the celebration of God's praises. Such is the guidance of God: He guides with it whom He pleases but such as God leaves to stray can have none to guide"

So in my humble opinion, one should acknowledge that the Quran explains itself in different ways and should attempt to conduct a self scrutiny of the Quran as a complete self contained scripture for themselves. This is by far the best approach.

I respectfully would be disinclined to recommend you any particular 'book' as an authority.

The best book is the Quran itself.

I hope that helps, God willing.


13th March 2013

This thread is now closed and a direct link to this post is now available at the dedicated Q&A page.


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