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Started by Saya, May 23, 2012, 11:28:51 AM

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I ask this person about khimar and the mean and this is what they said and my response.

Dearest Brother/Sister,

As-Salamu`alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh,

Below is the answer of your question.

May Allah lead you and us all to the Right Way, Amen.

Please, make du`aa for us.

Onislam Fatwa Desk.



I heard that the word khimar just means to cover and to a head covering. Does that mean it's a choice to wear a hijab?

Reply (OI Researchers):

As for the first part of the question, yes; the word "khimar" in Arabic means "cover". It is the noun of the verb "khamara" (meaning: to cover). In Shari`ah the khimar means "the head cover", but this does not by any means indicate that wearing hijab is a choice for a Muslim woman. That is because stating rules and rulings (ahkam) in Shari`ah does not depend only on one text. Rather it is based on all the related texts, either from the Qur'an or the Sunnah.

In regard to Hijab, there are many other related texts. For example, there is averse in the Qur'an that reads, "...and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms, and not display their ornaments..." (An-Nur 24: 31)

It is clear from this verse that a Muslim woman is ordained to prolong her khimar to cover her bosom and, necessarily, her head.

There is also a hadith in which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was addressing Asmaa' bint Abu Bakr saying, "Oh Asmaa'! If the woman reaches menstruation, she must cover all her body except this and those (pointing to his face and hands)."

So, there is no clue for arguing that a Muslim woman is allowed to unveil any part of her body except the face and hands.

Allah Almighty knows best.

My response

But doesnt Allah said just to follow only the Quran? Hadith itsnt part of the Quran. Khimar mean covering.

Which is the correct translate and how did khimar become a head covering.
They even said christan wear veils. That was just a custom during that time in fact.

Truth Seeker


Joseph has written a very informative article on khimar:

I hope it helps.


Taken from:

QuoteThe word "khumur" is used in 24:31 and can be the plural of "khimaar" or "khimirr", and can mean any cover made of cloth or headcover, according to Classical Arabic dictionaries and Traditional Ahadith/Narrations (see Ibn Kathir tafsir).
Verify for yourself.