Sex with Slave Girls without Marriage

Started by Reader Questions, June 09, 2012, 07:10:18 AM

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Reader Questions

23:5 and 23:6
And they who guard their private parts, Except from their wives or those their right hands possess, for indeed, they will not be blamed.

Sir, a person quoted this verse of the Quran along with a hadith to prove to me that it is allowed to have sex with slaves. I have read your article about sex with slaves and there 23:5 and 23:6 is not explained.

Thank You. May Allah bless you for your work to spread the truth.

Joseph Islam

Salamun Alaikum,

Two terms have been used in 23:6, 'azwajihim' and 'malakat aymanuhum'. Both terms are masculine plurals so there is no exclusive gender reference.

Therefore, 'azwājihim' simply means 'spouse'. This would include husbands or wives or those married through 'lawful marriage'. The category 'malakat aymanuhum' (right hands possess) would also require 'lawful marriage' before intimacy, which is clear from another verse of the Quran (4:25).

The question really is why are 'spouses' and 'right hands possess' mentioned separately as separate categories?

They are not mentioned separately because one category is exempt from lawful marriage. Such an unwarranted assertion would also conflict with 4:25 which makes it absolutely clear that marriage (nikaah) is required with those from the right hands possess.

The reason they are mentioned separately is because in essence they are separate categories (free believers and non-free believers). They also have different 'accountabilities'. For example, the punishment of 'fahisha' for a married woman from the category of 'right hands possess' is only 'half' as that for a free believing married woman (4:25) in the same situation.

I have actually elaborated this in my article in the section entitled "Why does the Quran distinguish between 'married women' and 'right hands possess' and classify them as separate categories"

I hope that helps, God willing.
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell