Are the covenants in 3:81 and 33:7 the same covenant or different ?

Started by Reader Questions, November 11, 2011, 04:18:54 AM

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Reader Questions

Joseph Islam


Yes, all related verses are linked. 33:7 is primarily linked with 5:109 and 7:6 where the message bearers will also be questioned about the message that they were sent. This is confirmed by verse 33:8.

However, as in you question, there is also secondary linkage with 3:81 where an aspect of this covenant in 33:7 is elaborated (if messenger(s) come and confirm, then support them). A further example of 3:81 where covenants are taken "through" the prophets with the people is also found in 2:63 where another aspect is elaborated (Hold firmly what we have given you).

I hope that this helps.

Your brother in faith,
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell