Questions Regarding Hajj

Started by Reader Questions, July 26, 2012, 10:19:56 PM

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Reader Questions

Salam Brother,

I was reading your article on Hajj as follows:

The Hajj was established through Prophet Abraham (pbuh) and had a particular purpose. It was to call people from the furthest locations to an appointed place at a particular time to commemorate and praise the Lord and fulfil certain rites in the name of the Lord.


003.097 (part)
"...Pilgrimage (Arabic: Hijju) is a duty men owe to God, those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures"

It is clear by the reference above in context of the ancient sanctuary, that the principle of 'Hajj' (pilgrimage) has been established since the time of Prophet Abraham (pbuh)

Hajj has been a practice that has been followed by successive generations of Prophet Abraham. (pbuh) It was even known to the father in-law of Prophet Moses (pbuh) before Prophet Moses (pbuh) received his Prophethood from God. In the following verse, we note the use of Hajj as a marker to signify a contractual period.

"He said: "Indeed I intend to marry you to one of these two daughters of mine on condition that you hire thyself to me for (the term of) eight pilgrimages (Arabic: Thamaniya Hijajin). Then if you complete ten, it will be of your own accord, and I would not wish to make it difficult for you. God willing, you will find me of the righteous"


1. If Hajj was ordained as above for all mankind by Ibrahim (AS) then why we don't find successive Prophets in the Bible making it a point to go there for pilgrimage? We find Jerusalem the focul point of their endevours, though.

In the NT we find Jesus (As) visiting concerned with Jerusalem but not the Ka'aba?

2. What is your opinion of hundreds and thousands of sacrficial animals, a number far above the dietary needs of the pilgrims, wasted during Hajj?


Joseph Islam

Salamun Alaikum,

Please find below my responses to your questions.

Question 1:

If Hajj was ordained as above for all mankind by Ibrahim (AS) then why we don't find successive Prophets in the Bible making it a point to go there for pilgrimage? We find Jerusalem the focul point of their endevours, though.

In the NT we find Jesus (As) visiting concerned with Jerusalem but not the Ka'aba?


The purpose of Hajj as established through Prophet Abraham (pbuh)  was to call people to an appointed place at a particular time to commemorate and praise the Lord and fulfil certain rites in the name of the Lord. Its purpose was not to create a particular ritual at one particular location indefinitely. There is no unequivocal proof for such a belief in the Quran.  [1]

"And complete the Hajj and the Umrah for God..."

"Behold! We gave the site, to Abraham, the site of the House, (saying): "Associate not anything (in worship) with Me; and sanctify My House for those who compass it round, or stand up, or bow, or prostrate themselves (therein in prayer)"

"That (is the command). And whoever magnifies the offerings consecrated to God, it surely is from devotion of the hearts"

I have comprehensively argued in my article below [2] that ancient rites were reinstituted at the Kaaba. This God willing, should address your legitimate question "If Hajj was ordained as above for all mankind by Ibrahim (AS) then why we don't find successive Prophets in the Bible making it a point to go there for pilgrimage?".



Question 2:

What is your opinion of hundreds and thousands of sacrficial animals, a number far above the dietary needs of the pilgrims, wasted during Hajj?


Food is not wasted at Hajj neither is the food merely intended for the dietary needs of the pilgrims. This is an unwarranted assumption. Food is sent to poor people around the world. As has the number of pilgrims grown as the world population has increased so has the needs of the poor.

I hope that helps, God willing,

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell

Reader Questions

Dear Brother Salam

You said:

"...Food is not wasted at Hajj neither is the food merely intended for the dietary needs of the pilgrims..."

Are we then to assume that from the beginning, slaughtered meat (which was not meant for the pilgrims alone) was distributed to the needy througout the city?

If true, then what happened in the past as and when the number of pilgrims jumped up reulting in leftover meat? It could not be sent to far off cities for fear of being spoiled. Surely Allah would never approve of waste of clossal proportions!


Joseph Islam

Salamun Alaikum.

There is no reason to assume that the ancients did not distribute slaughtered meat to the needy throughout the city.

With respect, academically there is a further unwarranted assumption in your question that assumes that when the numbers grew, meat was 'wasted'. There is no warrant for this assertion.

We do not have a fool proof method to observe how the people of yore distributed the food amongst their cities and others amongst families / relatives etc as the numbers steadily grew. One cannot assume that the ancients did not find a suitable way to distribute food as the numbers grew steadily over a millennia.

Given today's advancements people can travel from far reaches not possible before. With the same advancements, food can be packaged and distributed to poor people equally quickly all over the world like never before. Growth in numbers, often also runs in tandem with advancements. It is not an overnight occurrence that one finds numbers to increase and food is left over for no one appropriate to pass on to.

If the number of pilgrims increased, populations would have also increased in the cities and beyond as well as possible needs. The best assumption is a steady growth with the ability to disseminate as required.

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell