What's his name?

Started by Peaceful, August 19, 2012, 11:53:50 AM

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Many Christians claim that Muslims don't "know" Jesus because we don't even have his actual Arabic name. I will attempt to disprove this claim. The Quranic name for Jesus is 'Isa('Ayin-Seen-Alif). The Arab-Christian name is Y'sua'(Ya-Seen-Waw-'Ayin).

If you ask anyone what languages Jesus spoke, the response would be: Aramaic/Late Syriac for common dialogue, Hebrew for liturgy/Torah, and Greek for the Romans/Elite. His name would be Eshoa' in Aramaic, Yeshua' in Hebrew and Iēsous in Greek. Knowing this, the best translation would have to come from Aramaic to Arabic.

It is a common Quranic/Arabic phenomena to remove the initial consonant Y, if followed by an I or E(e.g. Israel, Isaac, Ishmael) as opposed to names followed by an A or O(e.g. Yacob, Yosef). For some reason, Arab Christians will accept the latter, but not the first(case in point:Jesus).

The native Sheen is translated into Seen in both Arabic forms.

The Quranic name 'Isa replaces "ua" with "aa". The Arab-Christian name Y's-UA' retains this. Basic Arabic translations would remove double-vowels like this(e.g. N-OA-h=Nuh, Mash-IA-ch=Masih).

So without a doubt the Arabic name of Jesus is IsA'(Alif-Seen-Ayin'). We now know that the Arab-Christian name is just a transliteration of the Hebrew Yeshua', not an Arabic translation of his real name. The question remains: Why does the Qur'an switch the position of the 'Ayin and Alif?

The answer is relatively simple. For ease of rhyming and memorization. Allah changed names in the Qur'an in order for them to sound more poetic together(e.g. Habil-Kabil, Talut-Jalut, etc.). 'Isa occurs five times with the name Musa, out of a total of 25 times. So the Quranic 'Isa is actually a better translation(although deliberately changed) than the Arab-Christian Y'sua'! ;D

Please spread this info. and use it to debate people who make such claims against Muslims...