Stops or Prevents? Verse 29:45

Started by Reader Questions, November 11, 2011, 11:48:38 AM

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Reader Questions

Dear Brother,


Could you please explain what the proper translation of 29:45 should be? Does Salat forbids, restrains, prohibits, prevents OR stops shameful and bad deeds?

The reason I am asking it that there is a difference between the terms used by translators below. Compared to other terms used, "stops" is totally different; It implied that a person who regularly performs salat does not engage in fuwahishaat and Munkar.

Taken to wider meaning of the term Salaat (establishing a system) "Stops" makes sense as in an Islamic state steps are taken by law enforcing authorities to stop people from engaging in objectionable behavior.



Joseph Islam

Peace brother Mubashir.

In my humble opinion, the verb 'tanha' is dependant on context of the sentence. From reading the Arabic, it admits a meaning of refraining, desisting, or keeping one away. Note the usage of 'nahakum' (forbid) and 'intahu' (refrain) in 59:7. Both are formed from the same roots, but the imperfect verb is nuanced differently given context.

A state cannot always stop 'fahisha'. Fahisha is a broad term which compasses many ills, many of which are not always apparent. For example, you cannot impose a law for certain sexual gratifications or disgusting thoughts which all form part of 'Fahisha'. 'Fahisha' is anything which is evil, an excess, an enormity, immoderate, beyond measure or an excessive sin. So something which is gross, or lewd and obscene. This excess can also apply to speech or language (as in uttering foul, evil, lewd or obscene speech). Note how 'fahishatu' is used as excess (in slander / scandal in speech) in 24:19

I hope that helps.

Kind regards ...
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