Did messengers get scripture or law?

Started by munir rana, July 17, 2015, 02:15:22 PM

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munir rana

Dear Joseph Islam.
Salamun Alaikum

In the article titles `END OF PROPHETHOOD - CONTINUATION OF MESSENGERS?'  you said -

` from a Quran's perspective, it appears that a prophet of God is charged with greater tasks and is entrusted with delivering scripture or law. Furthermore, messengers are sent to confirm a message.

That means, as I understood, messengers did not get scripture or law.

But in the following verse it seems different. Is it?
`We have already sent our messengers with clear evidence and sent down with them the scripture and the balance that the people may maintain in justice.' (57:25 part)

Did I miss anything?

Best wishes.

Joseph Islam

Dear Munir

Wa alaikum assalam

All prophets are also messengers. Please kindly read the next verse (57:26) which further clarifies that the 'messengers'that are being spoken about are 'Prophetic' messengers. For example, Prophets Noah and Abraham mentioned in the next verse (57:26) have been clearly mentioned as prophets in other verses (e.g. 6:83-89) as is Prophet Jesus in the next verse still (57:28). This very next verse (57:26) also sets the context in that it mentions establishing in their line prophethood and revelation. Again, the context is prophethood.

As a very humble and respected suggestion, I always encourage readers that it is always advisable to read verses in context and as a general theme rather than in isolation.

I hope that helps, God willing

Joseph  :)


'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell

munir rana

Brother Joseph


Thanks for your response.
If you don't mind, I think it would be nice to add this explanation of verse 57:25 in your article titled `END OF PROPHETHOOD - CONTINUATION OF MESSENGERS?'  to avoid misunderstanding. (How dare I am to suggest you!! ) please don't take it otherwise. If you don't feel it is necessary then just leave it.

Sincerely pray for the excellence of your  here and hereafter.
