No More Miracles!

Started by Mubashir, November 11, 2011, 09:15:50 PM

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Dear All,

We read:

88:17 Do the disbelievers not see how rain clouds are formed,
88:18 how the heavens are lifted,
88:19 how the mountains are raised high,
88:20 how the earth is spread out?
88:21 So [Prophet] warn them: your only task is to give warning,
88:22 you are not there to control them.
88:23 As for those who turn away and disbelieve,
88:24 God will inflict the greatest torment upon them.
88:25 It is to Us they will return,
88:26 and then it is for Us to call them to account.

What is striking about these verses is that Allah SWT is asking the people to use their faculties of observation and perception and study the phenomenon of nature and then decide whether there is a Creator and if there is one what are His plans for us?

For generations before the advent of Muhammad (PBUH) we learn, from the study of their scriptures, a lot of miracles took place. In The New Testament we read about amazing Miracles. The Qur'an also mentions some of them.

We note, however, for those addressed 1400 years ago and onwards, there were no miracles!! Mankind was asked to study and observe. In other words, a new dawn of rational thought, science and technology was was to start and for such a people, there had to be a new way of recognising a Creator and that He had a plan for mankind which was based on consequences according to actions in this world and the next.

Mujiza, I have read, is something that is mind boggling and defeats the intellect - what the brain fails to comprehend (it becomes Aajiz); Belief based on rational conviction is totally different as it is arrived after using our faculties of observation and perception. Something that appeals to our intellect and is not designed to defeat it.

Another theme we find mentioned in the above verses is that man will not be forced to believe. The Messenger's (and those who follow him) job is to present the truth and invite to the truth but it is not his job is to make people believe.

Truth Seeker


I agree with your sentiments. With the Quran, there were no more miracles to be shown to the people. They challenged the Prophet openly to bring them 'signs' but God tells us that the people before were sent miracles yet still denied God.

The people in the Prophet's era were just the same:

17.90   And they say: We will by no means believe in you until you cause a fountain to gush forth from the earth for us.
17.91   Or you should have a garden of palms and grapes in the midst of which you should cause rivers to flow forth, gushing out.
17.92   Or you should cause the heaven to come down upon us in pieces as you think, or bring Allah and the angels face to face (with us).
17.93   Or you should have a house of gold, or you should ascend into heaven, and we will not believe in your ascending until you bring down to us a book which we may
            read. Say: Glory be to my Lord; am I aught but a mortal messenger?

All messengers faced stubborn people who refused to believe, even when they were shown real miracles..they defied them so with the Quran they are asked to 'ponder' over the verses and use their reasoning to see the truth.


The Quran itself is a living miracle. I mean this in the most literal way possible. Discounting all the expanding-universe, embryology and universal-solvent stuff(which can be dis-proven), their is Mathematical Genius within the Book.

One great example is that the word for 'Man' is mentioned 23 times and the word for 'Woman' is also mentioned 23 times. If you took High school Biology your brain just recalled Chromosomes. What is undeniably ingenius about this is that in truth their are 46 chromosomes(23 pairs) inherited from a human's parents. This is symbolic not only for 'gender equality' but also for miraculous knowledge within the Quran. It all depends on how you look at it.

Another example is that the word 'Salawat', which means Prayers(plural) is mentioned FIVE times. Quite interesting! Many more can be found at:

"Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." - 'Isa


Salam mubashir
Quote from: Mubashir on November 11, 2011, 09:15:50 PM
Dear All,

We read:

88:17 Do the disbelievers not see how rain clouds are formed,
88:18 how the heavens are lifted,
88:19 how the mountains are raised high,
88:20 how the earth is spread out?
88:21 So [Prophet] warn them: your only task is to give warning,
88:22 you are not there to control them.
88:23 As for those who turn away and disbelieve,
88:24 God will inflict the greatest torment upon them.
88:25 It is to Us they will return,
88:26 and then it is for Us to call them to account.

What is striking about these verses is that Allah SWT is asking the people to use their faculties of observation and perception and study the phenomenon of nature and then decide whether there is a Creator and if there is one what are His plans for us?

God reminds us several times on the signs of creation. 2.106, 129,151,187,219,221,3,49/50,58,97,101,103,108,113,164,199,6.42,7.26,35,146,156,8.2,10.2,71,75,12.7,13.1,14.5,15.1, etc etc etc.
or signs in the earth, or signs for people who thinks.

God reminds us several times on the signs of creation. what I want to say: since our progress in science is increasingly it is very  clear that God MUST be . Earlier, people had not  these opportunities and  had to rely on miracles.
The miracles have never stopped. Every day in our universe is a miracle in itself and contains millions miracles ....But what's new? we can only now detect properly those miracles with our minds and our knowledge.

Another theme we find mentioned in the above verses is that man will not be forced to believe. The Messenger's (and those who follow him) job is to present the truth and invite to the truth but it is not his job is to make people believe.
This is not new. The same thing happened after the praesentation of the miracle- There were people who acknowledged  them and others not...