Started by sahibul, December 29, 2012, 11:02:08 AM

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Salam folks,

In Chapter 54 (Surah Al-Qamar), Allah states repeatedly that "We have made the Quran EASY to remember (learn); is there anybody who wish to take heed (remember, learn)?"

Still, I notice that some of you try to make it difficult by delving into the semantics, linguistic, syntax and morphology of every word. They regard every verse as mutashabihat (allegorical) - carrying a hidden - meaning including the muhkamat (clear) verses despite knowing well that only Allah knows the exact meaning.

What is their intention for doing so?

Why don't they dwell on this verse:

He sent down to you this scripture, containing straightforward verses - which constitute the essence of the scripture - as well as multiple-meaning or allegorical verses. Those who harbor doubts in their hearts will pursue the multiple-meaning verses to create confusion, and to extricate a certain meaning. None knows the true meaning thereof except GOD and those well founded in knowledge. They say, "We believe in this - all of it comes from our Lord." Only those who possess intelligence will take heed.  (3:7).

If indeed the Quran is difficult or complex, would the people during Prophet Muhammad's time, flocked in droves to embrace the religion including the poor and illiterate? It must be, as the Quran states, EASY to understand.

So create not dissensions and disputes among yourselves by making it complicated.

Salam. All glory to Allah.


Salaam Sahibul,

Walaqad yassarna alqur-ana lilththikri fahal min muddakirin has been repeated in verses 15,17, 22 and 32.  It has been translated into English as
who takes it to heart, or
who remembers, or
who minds, or
who recalls, or
who receives admonition, or
who opens the heart's ears and mind's eyes, or
who wish to learn, or
who takes heed

Thus, Quran is looking for those who can think, reflect, study, research, listen to inner voice to come to understanding.  We all have different levels of understanding or capabilities.  My experience has been that one word of different interpretation can change the whole meaning.  We witness that for centuries many have interpreted it incorrectly and still cannot grasp it after years of studying.

It is made easy to understand if you are willing to reflect and is able to reflect meaning no locks upon the heart 47:24

Fahal so is there
min any
muddakirin who has no locks upon the heart and willing to ponder, study, reflect, : then Quran is easy to understand.

Otherwise, why are we all here?

"Hope is like a bird that senses the dawn and carefully starts to sing while it is still dark"


Salam Hope,

Yes, I concede that a clear understanding of the Quran is essential, especially in augmenting one's faith that the Quran is the absolute truth from God.

Who else is able to create the universe and everything in it and to mantain the equlibrium if not Him? Who else is able to regulate the orbit of the Earth knowing that even a slight in the orbital path will have dire consequences for us here.?

Who else can determine the colour of our skin or recreate us exactly right to the tip of our fingers if not for One who has mastery over genetics and the laws of nature.

But once, your faith in the truthfulness of the Quran and in God is affirmed, the next step is to submit yourself to Him by upholding His every commandment instead of conjuring fancy words in order to complicate matters.

Does expounding the Quran into truckloads of books more pleasing to God than for you to do good, glorify and worship Him at appointed times, feed a destitute in times of difficulty, the freeing of slaves, to fight and spend in His cause or to charitably donate whatever excess you have and to exhort others to do the same?

What is the point of delving into rhetorics if you do not uphold His commandments in doing good and in avoiding doing what He commands you not to do.

Or do you intend to be a habr?

For me, the most important thing in understanding the Quran, is to assure myself that there is no other god besides Allah and that only He guides (this include comprehension of the Quran).

Salam to you and all glory and praises to Allah.

Joseph Islam

Peace to you all.

Given my humble efforts, I have spent an important part of my life studying the Quran and even today I know that an everlasting ocean awaits. It is my view that a scripture inspired for mankind would inevitably take into account the needs and faculties of the diverse creation that God intended to part the message to.

Indeed fundamentals are clear, but there are almost infinite layers of wisdom which with constant study, akin to an onion, peel ever so slowly with time, age, experience and changing circumstances.

The Quran helps me evolve and as I attempt to do 'tadabbur' [1] with the Quran, I sense an assault on my thinking faculties and holistic spiritual being in ways that surprise me each time I interact with God's words. It's truly a moving experience. I for one am totally consumed by it. May God never take His message away from me (43:5) and help me to live my life by it. Without Him, I am nothing, a sinful soul that would be blown away with the wind (22:31).

May God guide us all to a path which is straight IA.



[1]  'Tadabbur' 4:82, 23:68, 38:29, 47:24 i.e. research it, examined it, study it repeatedly, ponder intently to ascertain its real case.
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell