Cure diseases Like Cancer with Quran

Started by Mehdi, December 30, 2012, 07:12:33 PM

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Assalamou Alaykom wa RahmatouAllah, Peace and mercy of god be with you

There is some peoples claiming that they can cure Organic diseases Like Cancer, with Quran and water/oil , they base their augmentations with some verses :

"And We send down of the Qur'an that which is healing and mercy for the believers, but it does not increase the wrongdoers except in loss" (17:82)
"And if We had made it a non-Arabic Qur'an, they would have said, "Why are its verses not explained in detail [in our language]? Is it a foreign [recitation] and an Arab [messenger]?" Say, "It is, for those who believe, a guidance and cure." And those who do not believe - in their ears is deafness, and it is upon them blindness. Those are being called from a distant place." (41:44)

Prophet Jesus was healing also by Allah permission, so can someone heal also by Allah permission by reciting specific Verses from the Quran ? (

I personally think that the cure of the Quran is present in the Quran himself, meaning that when Allah talk about Honey or fasting for example, we know that this is a cure for many diseases .

BarakAllahou Fikom/ Thank you all,


Truth Seeker


I have heard this also. People have varied methods and combinations that they use in order to 'heal'.

There is no basis for this and more importantly no mention of using certain verses in a particular way in order to cure an ailment or to alleviate any problems a person may have.

In Surah 17:82 it is clear from the context that the Quran heals the soul and nurtures it. This can only be achieved by reading, understanding and practicing what it says with sincerity.

There of course are certain verses that may be significant for a persons predicament and by reading those, solace can be found.


Salaam all,

I agree with you, Truth Seeker.

I believe in the healing power of prayers.  Holistic doctors recommend praying be included in the treatment regimen along with medicine, diet, exercise, visualization.

I was told that Shia pick up a tiny bit of the earth of Karbala and recite Surah al Fatihah, Surah Ya Sin, Surah al Qadr, Surah Al Kafirun, Surah al Ikhlas, Surah al Falaq, Surah al Nas & Ayatal Kursi,    and the following dua:

O Allah, in the name of Muhammad, Your servant, Your dearest friend. Your prophet, Your messenger, Your trustee; in the name of Amir aI Mumeneen Ali ibn Abi Talib, Your servant, brother of Your messenger; in the name of Fatimah, daughter of Your Prophet and wife of Your Wali; in the name of Hasan and Husayn, in the name of the rightly guided guides; in the name of the guardian angel; in the name of the body covered by it; in the name of all angels and messengers, make this earth cure my disease and also of those who beseech You for removal of ailments, pains, diseases; and keep me (and all the beseechers) protected from all fears. O Allah, for the sake of Muhammad and his family, let this (earth) give me useful knowledge, abundant means of livelihood, let it cure my pains and diseases, let it keep me safe from misfortunes; injuries, all kinds of pains. Verily You have power over all things. O Allah, the Lord of this sacred, blessed earth and the angel who descended on it and the vicegerent who is resting under it, send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad, and let it help me and benefit me. Verily You have power over all things

Reciting the surahs is fine but listing the names of all others borders on shirk, I believe.
Having a positive outlook  helps the diseased body so does the hope that if it is the 'taqdir' of Allah, you will get better whether you recite 10 times or 100 times . 

I don't like these magical formulas recited X number of times .  You pay more attention to counting than experiencing the Presence of God in the moment.

"Hope is like a bird that senses the dawn and carefully starts to sing while it is still dark"