I've been reading articles for quite a while now and they discuss the actual meaning of the word 'Furqan.'
Apparently the early Mufasirs and exegetes had a hard time understanding this word up until the 3rd Cen. Hijri.
1. They reduced the word to its jizr or root and the logical root would be FRQ.
2. Verb would be Yufariq or he divides, Al-Farq (the difference) , Mufariq (he who yufariq).
3. The nominal form appears to be Farooq (As in Umar Al-Farooq), but there is no -an suffix in any derivation. [Compare to Uthman]
4. In Syriac, a similar Semitic language, we have the common word Purqan(a) and because there is no P in Arabic it becomes Arabized as Furqan where the letter Fa replaced the Syriac Pa.
5. Purqana means Salvation in Syriac. This is how Arberry translates it in 25:1 and it fits context.
It is obviously synonymous with Quran.
Is it possible that Furqan doesn't mean Criterion / Judge, but actually means the Salvation???
Or is it dual-meaning as 'Daraba' is??