Your Article on Wife Beating

Started by Reader Comments, May 17, 2013, 11:41:30 PM

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Reader Comments

Brother Joseph

You are Mashallah the best of the best of current understanders of Islam. May Allah give you long life, more wisdom and knowledge and keep you safe in humility.
I read, at the age 56, for the first time what you explain as meaning of idribuhunna. My heart was enriched and my mind put at peace.

My deep respect, admiration and Salam to you.

Best wishes

Joseph Islam

JazakAllah Khair dear brother for your kind comments. However, I am a simple man like any other sincerely attempting to present what I feel are clear arguments of truth from the Quran.

I can only pray to our Lord to increase us both in wisdom.

May God forgive me for any mistakes that I make iA.

I am happy that you found the article useful, Alhumdolillah.

Wa alaikum assalam

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell