Regarding Maghrib Salah as per verse 17:78

Started by Quraish, May 30, 2013, 09:28:13 PM

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Question in Joseph's Q&A section. Moved to appropriate board. - QM Moderator

Salamun Alaikum

I wanted a clarification regarding verse 17:78

"Aqimi alssalata lidulooki alshshamsi ila ghasaqi allayli waqur-ana alfajri inna qur-ana alfajri kana mashhoodan"

"Establish regular prayers - at the sun's decline till the darkness of the night, and the morning prayer and reading: for the prayer and reading in the morning carry their testimony"

It is mentioned we have to establish prayers (Maghrib ) "at the sun's decline till the darkness of the night" So I would like to know whether we have to pray our maghrib salah from sunset till the darkness of the night (that is approx 45 to 60 minutes) or it is the time period within which we can offer our maghrib salah.

Your guidance would be much appreciated.

Quraish K

Joseph Islam

Dear Quraish

Wa alaikum assalam

In keeping with verses where other prayers are intimated, I incline to interpret this expression as the time period within which the prayer can be read.

I hope that helps, God willing.
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell


To clarify, "salat" is singular in 17:78.
Verify for yourself.