early Muslim community after the Prophet

Started by HOPE, June 25, 2013, 01:11:45 AM

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Salaam and greetings of Peace,

I am sharing Frank Parmir's post today at Muslims for Progressive Values.  He's got a very good, rational point.

"Among the early Muslim records there are reports that Ali was not consulted when the successor to Muhammad was chosen. Among them also are reports that there was much enmity between Aisha and Ali.
And, it is reported that within the early Muslim community there was a substantial amount of intrigue and even murder.
If these reports are true, why should we pattern our Islam on the early Muslims? Their community seems to have included many examples of exclusion and enmity!
If these reports are untrue, which of the early Muslim records can we trust? How can these reports be the basis of our Islam?
Is not our Islam totally reliant on our understanding of the Qur'an and and the Inner Light that God provides?
If we are found wanting, we can claim that we were just following what we found our fathers and mothers doing.
But we are advised by the Qur'an that such an excuse will be insufficient to gain pardon."
"Hope is like a bird that senses the dawn and carefully starts to sing while it is still dark"

Sardar Miyan

Salam Bro.First of all Prophet Mohammad gave an indication by asking Hazrat Abu Bakar to lead prayer in Masjid Nabwi which was clear indication the Hazrat Abu Bakar may succeed the Prophet.Secondly the situation after demise of Prophet was very precarious & there was need to have some person to guide people as such Abubakar told people that the Prophet is no more but Allah is there for the people.At this juncture there was immediate need for a person to lead.Hazrat Ali was repoted to have been busy in arranging burial of Prophet.Therefore the existing Sahaba selected Hazrat Ab Bakar as Khlifa.What is wrong in this where almost all sahaba selected Abubakar being elder than all.Khilafat  is not to pass through kith & Kin but senior member of Sahaba.
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light

Sardar Miyan

Salam Bros & sisters, There was no enimity between Sahaba. It is created by some people. There was no fight between Ali & Aisha as reported by some. As a matter of fact Khlifa Omer was son in law of Ali  Even Yazeed was soninlaw of Hussain's sister Zainab. But with all this had Ali been succeeded Prophet there would have been Imamat after him instead of Khilafate Rasheda. Wallahu Alam
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light

Sardar Miyan

Salam Bro Hope Can you post Frank Parmir's post to see as to what he expressed about Early community after Prophet? Thanks
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light


Salaam Sardar,

First, let me claim my God given gender.  Please don't call me brother anymore; you have been corrected several times before.
Second, I have already posted his view in quotations.  That's it.  Only the subject is my mine. He comments at the MPV site.

"Hope is like a bird that senses the dawn and carefully starts to sing while it is still dark"