"The book of Job is my favorite in the O.T. All the people and things that Job is personally attached to are taken from him, one by one, including at last, his pride. He finally abandons even his pious faith in God's justice.
He accuses God of unfairness.
Now, he is truly naked in the universe. Now, he has NO sense of certainty.
Then comes The Great Speech. God's voice, with a resonance more vast than all of space and time, fills Job's explosively expanding awareness:
Then Job sees. And we readers see: There is no existence, and nowhere to exist, until God says to us and to our world: "BE!"
Job, and we readers, finally see our infinite dependence on The Mystery that is infinitely un-dependent. We see that The Mystery is the source and sustenance of our every breath and notion.
If we want, it is because God has said to our want: Be. If our want is answered, it is because God has said to the answering condition: BE. We have only what we're given.
And our reaction to what's given; that too, is given. If we are bitter, or if we are graciously grateful; that is ultimately God's decision.
God is nothing but generous. We are given our existence for one reason alone: so that there might be someone to receive God's generosity.
When Job sees this.... when Job and we readers are "given" to see this; then there is NO possibility of bitterness and ingratitude.
When this is seen, our awareness becomes awe-full. We are filled with awe and gratitude.
By realizing God as The Creating and Sustaining Mystery, the gift of life in this world becomes truly a gift. The depth of the gift of life is not seen while we feel we "own" it. So long as we feel we "own" life, it is hardly appreciated. Only when it is seen in its stark nakedness does it become a true gift.
Our life is The Gift of "being" within The One and Only Being Who Is Resonant as The One and Only Actual Reality.
Once this is clearly seen, no complaint and no fear can survive. God, The One Alone, The One Infinite in Generosity, The One Infinite in Goodness simply IS. God, Eternally and Unfailingly, IS.
Everything that is brought into being, is brought in generosity and mercy. Nothing can be wrong. There are no errors.
Perfection Alone Exists. It is From God that we have come to be. it is by God that we are sustained. And, It is God into Whom we will dissolve.
All is God!!!!!
All is good!!!!
9/11/13fp " by Frank Parmir