contraception allowed or not

Started by Nura, September 14, 2013, 12:59:48 AM

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salam all

is using contraception allowed in the Quran? some people say that it is not stating the verse where Allah tells us not to kill our children for fear of poverty. but before conception, there is no child to kill, so I think that it is allowed.

also some say that forms of contraception that require surgery is not allowed, stating the verse where satan says that he is going to order humans to alter Allah's creation, so vasectomy or tubal litigation is not allowed? if so, then can we neuter our pets? aren't that altering creation as well? but some say that we can neuter pets.

and also if we approach this verse with such a black or white perception, then aren't donating a kidney while still being alive also prohibited? why will not this fall under altering Allah's creation, if this is Quranically allowed?

Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien

Truth Seeker

Salaam Nura,

In those days they killed the child after it was born most probably. I think that contraception is o.k depending as you said on what type. Something surgical would be too much. Remember that contraception is not 100% successful and people still have children. If God wants you to have a child it will happen regardless as He has the ultimate power.

Altering Allah's creation is more of a reference to superstitious practices I think.

Donating a kidney to save a life is a noble act and the Quran upholds the sanctity of life. As long as the donor will be able to live a full and active life after the operation, then I think it's an individual choice.

Sardar Miyan

Salam Truth Seeker I agree with contraception of any kind based upon need of husband & wife but as far as donating the organ I have yet to find Allah's Command in this regard though it is a sacrifice of a humans to help each other. I take it as curative aspect to prevent disease.
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light


Salam truthseeker,

If surgical forms of contraception is not allowed then do you think neutering pets is also not allowed?

and also regarding the issue of altering Allah's creation why do you say that it refers to superstitious practices? can you explain it with proof?

thank you
Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien

Adil Husain

May peace be with you dear readers ,

Quoteis using contraception allowed in the Quran?

I think ALL forms of contraception are ALLOWED in the Quran including the surgical measures.

Quotesome people say that it is not stating the verse where Allah tells us not to kill our children for fear of poverty. but before conception, there is no child to kill, so I think that it is allowed.

I think that particular verse should be applied in case of Abortion or killing them after birth for the fear of poverty.

Quotealso some say that forms of contraception that require surgery is not allowed, stating the verse where satan says that he is going to order humans to alter Allah's creation, .

Surgery is the absolute measure for Contraception and has many advantages like 1) it is a one time procedure , 2) no side effects , 3) almost nil failure rate .. other measures has their demerits.
For example : Condoms : non compliance , high failure rates , tearing  during the intercourse ;
                        Pills : increased incidence for certain cancers  ;
                        IUDs : vaginal bleeding and infections , displacement of device ,etc

In my view that Particular verse should not be interpreted in this way otherwise many other procedures will fall under the category of 'changing Allah's creation' and on molecular level someone can even say that Vaccination should not be allowed.

Lack of use and promotion of contraception is one the cause of widespread Poverty in the developing world esp. Asia. In India , the fertility rate of Muslims is more than that of people of other religions , Christians have lowest fertility rate here . Now , Latest statistics shows that the community with highest percentage of people living below the poverty line  is that of Muslims, Christians having the lowest poverty rate.

Please go through this video by Javed Ahmed Ghamidi on the issue of family planning (in Urdu)

Allah Knows best.

'I must strive for reformation of myself and the world'



It is no secret that the field of Medicine is mostly a commercial enterprise.
Religion too is no less a commercial enterprise. Religion is shaped by political influences too.

Let us not believe the doctors when they say this or that procedure is safe, etc.
If you go after the Mufthee he will only take you for a ride.

The only solution is to concentrate on today's all engulfing corruption, and do our bit to mitigate it. God will take care of the rest.

Let us concentrate on the study of the Quran and also to distribute copies of it to other educated people.

It is no problem if you cannot get off-the-cuff solutions to vexing questions like contraception. For, educated people know very well that we have billions of pages of stuff on contraception. Even highly qualified physicians cannot hope to separate the chaff from the grain of such a collection that is increasing by leaps and bounds every hour.

The broad instructions in the Quran like the most basic – the Sanctity of Life – must be applied to every question to find a solution. But in order to apply Quranic injunctions we have to know the problem at hand in and out. And this is no easy matter for humans like you and me.

It is at such a juncture that one realizes the importance of prayer, prayer and prayer.

Integrity of character, charitable disposition, and constancy and consistency in our life, is the only way to realize our prayers. Allah is the ultimate priority in order to solve any and every problem.

For key information on the reality of modern medicine, better go to:

A. Ismail Sait.