Reading Quran for rewards

Started by 8pider, June 14, 2014, 07:24:59 PM

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The hadiths claim we get a certain amount of rewards for reading Quran. Is there any article or forum topic that debunks these claims? Thanks in advance


Is there any hadith that encourages believers to contemplate and understand the Quran other than a reward or point based incentive?

good logic

Greetings 8pider.

Since the Qoran is God's message to all the people, regardless of their language, the Qoran is now accessible to all people to read, this is not a coincidence.

Regardless of what "hadith" says, reading Qoran brings the reward of understanding what it is saying , trying to live by its instructions to be guided  . This is the best reward.

God uses His own attributes to describe the Qoran; He calls the Qoran " `Azeem = Great" (15:87), "Hakeem = Full of wisdom" (36:2), "Majid = "Glorious" (50:1), and "Karim = Honorable" (56:77).

Why would we want to know what "hadith" says about Qoran?
We need to know about what Qoran says about "hadith".   And Qoran has said a lot about "hadith"?

GOD bless you.

Total loyalty to GOD