Definition of Hypocrites According to Quran

Started by Star, December 31, 2015, 02:14:24 AM

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Quran 63:1-10 describes elaborates on the characteristics of hypocrites. These verses describe them as people who pretend to believe and follow the Quran but really don't, and they know that they don't.

I guess this definition applies to a lot of so-called "scholars" alive today, who use twisted translations of the Quran and know that they're doing it. However, there are a lot of terrorists and people who kill others in the name of Islam, and I can't decide whether they're hypocritical or just insanely ignorant. They truly believe that they're fighting in the way of God, even though they're oppressing people and killing other Muslims. But they really believe they're doing good deeds and are going to go to heaven. (If you want to see more on this, look up bin Laden's letter to his 9/11 killers. He promised them that they were earning the rewards of Allah by murdering civilians.)

I was wondering if the definition of hypocrisy given in the Quran applies to such people. A hypocrite must know that they're not really following the Quran, right? Or else they're just ignorant and aren't really hypocrites...? Just wondering.


Just to clarify, because I just reread what I posted and it's confusing: My question is whether or not hypocrites, by the Quranic definition, have to know that what they're doing is wrong (against the Quran).

good logic

Peace mia.

Try these ayats, they describe what hypocrites are:

Then there are those who say, "We believe in God and the Last Day," while they are not believers.
وَمِنَ النّاسِ مَن يَقولُ ءامَنّا بِاللَّهِ وَبِاليَومِ الـٔاخِرِ وَما هُم بِمُؤمِنينَ
In trying to deceive God and those who believe, they only deceive themselves without perceiving.
يُخٰدِعونَ اللَّهَ وَالَّذينَ ءامَنوا وَما يَخدَعونَ إِلّا أَنفُسَهُم وَما يَشعُرونَ
In their minds there is a disease. Consequently, God augments their disease. They have incurred a painful retribution for their lying.
فى قُلوبِهِم مَرَضٌ فَزادَهُمُ اللَّهُ مَرَضًا وَلَهُم عَذابٌ أَليمٌ بِما كانوا يَكذِبونَ
When they are told, "Do not commit evil," they say, "But we are righteous!"
وَإِذا قيلَ لَهُم لا تُفسِدوا فِى الأَرضِ قالوا إِنَّما نَحنُ مُصلِحونَ
In fact, they are evildoers, but they do not perceive.
أَلا إِنَّهُم هُمُ المُفسِدونَ وَلٰكِن لا يَشعُرونَ

Yes they are aware of their double standard.
GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD

Hassan A

Salaam mia666,

In my opinion, if an individuals is partaking in certain acts which he/she knows full-well are condemned in the Quran, then that would make them hypocrites (and disobedient). But if the individual believes what he/she is doing to be good and pleasing to Allah, and has absolutely know idea if what he/she is doing violates the message of the Quran, then I would assume that that would make him ignorant and not necessarily a hypocrite (seeing as how he/she is unaware of the errors of his/her ways).

That said, I hold to the believe that only Allah knows who amongst us is truly a hypocrite and who among us partakes in un-lawful acts out of ignorance (with no intent to sin).



Good Logic: It appears from the verses you cited that hypocrites don't necessarily recognize to themselves that they're doing something wrong. They might know that they're messing up the meanings of the Quran, but they neglect to admit this even to themselves.

Hassan A: Yes, that's true, we can't always determine who's a hypocrite by ourselves. Sometimes I just wonder how these terrorists' minds work, if they really know they're doing something wrong or not. Same with so-called scholars.  >:(

Anyway, Salam and happy new year