regarding 35:27-28

Started by munir rana, June 16, 2016, 01:52:09 PM

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munir rana

Salam to All

There are many beautiful pictorial verses in the Quran. Such as

Seest thou not that God sends down rain from the sky? With it We then bring out produce of various colours. And in the mountains are tracts white and red, of various shades of colour, and black intense in hue.
And so amongst men and crawling creatures and cattle, are they of various colours. Those truly fear God, among His Servants, who have knowledge: for God is Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving.

I just want to experience the meaning of these verses. Diversity of creation is obvious. But what about tracts of mountains- white and red. and black. I live in a plain land. No high mountains, a few hills, hieght about 3,000 feet.