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General Discussions / satan
« on: November 20, 2015, 10:23:52 AM »
First of all I want to say thank you to brother Hamzeh for answering basically all my questions so far and being patient with the stupid ones.

I was wondering, if Shaitan can tempt us all at the same time, is he omnipresent? Or does he not tempt us all at the same time? If he only tempts some of us occasionally, then how does he know when to whisper evil suggestions to us? Does Allah grant him the ability to whisper into everyone's heart at the same time?

Thanks in advance!

General Discussions / The God Paradox
« on: November 19, 2015, 07:01:15 AM »
It's this old question again. I think people have asked it before, but I haven't fully understood most people's answers.

Can God create a rock that is too big for Him to lift?

But nothing is too big for Him to lift. But if He can't create something that is too big for Him to lift, then it seems like He is not all-powerful.

I understand that this is a nonsensical question that has been debated to death, but I had to ask.

I thought that if God wants something, He just has to say "Be," and it is.

So can he do ridiculous things like create other Gods? Of course He would never do it even if he could, but could he?

Prophets and Messengers / GUIDANCE
« on: November 18, 2015, 08:06:32 AM »
Why wasn't the Quran given to everyone for guidance? Most people are given a distorted and screwed up version of the Quran and Islam and they deny it, which is fine because they're not denying real islam, they're denying the messed-up version the media portrays. But why doesn't God give everyone the Quran in their own language so translators can''t mess it up and everyone has the opportunity to be guided?

Also, in the Quran people engage in rightful warfare when provoked. But why would God tell us to kill His other creations, even for rightful cause?

And how do we know Angel Gabriel was sent by God? What if the spirit that spoke to Muhammad wasn't really an angel?

Sorry too many questions but I hope you can reply :)
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General Discussions / Guidance 2
« on: November 18, 2015, 08:05:29 AM »
Why wasn't the Quran given to everyone for guidance? Most people are given a distorted and screwed up version of the Quran and Islam and they deny it, which is fine because they're not denying real islam, they're denying the messed-up version the media portrays. But why doesn't God give everyone the Quran in their own language so translators can''t mess it up and everyone has the opportunity to be guided?

Also, in the Quran people engage in rightful warfare when provoked. But why would God tell us to kill His other creations, even for rightful cause?

And how do we know Angel Gabriel was sent by God? What if the spirit that spoke to Muhammad wasn't really an angel?

Sorry too many questions but I hope you can reply :)

General Discussions / Guidance
« on: November 16, 2015, 10:35:36 AM »
Why doesn't God make His guidance available to everyone? Many people (most, actually) go through life never having gotten the real message of the Quran alone. They live their lives without the comfort of faith in God.

Why is this?

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