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General Discussions / Re: Where does the soul go after we die?
« on: November 19, 2015, 08:20:31 AM »
I don't think the soul would be asleep. It would probably be in a temporary state of unconsciousness with God. Some would say that's the same thing as being asleep, but I don't agree.

Souls are immortal, but bodies die.

Hope this helps :)

General Discussions / The God Paradox
« on: November 19, 2015, 07:01:15 AM »
It's this old question again. I think people have asked it before, but I haven't fully understood most people's answers.

Can God create a rock that is too big for Him to lift?

But nothing is too big for Him to lift. But if He can't create something that is too big for Him to lift, then it seems like He is not all-powerful.

I understand that this is a nonsensical question that has been debated to death, but I had to ask.

I thought that if God wants something, He just has to say "Be," and it is.

So can he do ridiculous things like create other Gods? Of course He would never do it even if he could, but could he?

This is rather unrelated, but it has to do with the Bible. The Quran says in 5:43 and similar verses that the Jews should judge by the Torah, the Christians by the Bible, etc. But in 2:89 it says to follow the Quran, which confirms the Bible and the Torah. So which one are Christians and Jews supposed to follow?

Also, the Bible has had a lot of stuff added to it today. So Christians should follow the un-modified version of the Bible, but it's not really available these days, is it?

What should Christians and Jews follow? God has prescribed a law for all people to follow, which is submission to Him, but other than that, He says different communities have different rules. The truth comes in many forms. Which is the law for Christians and Jews, the Quran or their own religious books?

General Discussions / Re: Concept of Jananat
« on: November 19, 2015, 06:36:25 AM »
Yes, I understand, you can't really compare heaven to earth. I just like imagining the things I'd want to have if I went there. It's nothing like this life.

I've read some of the articles and I will try to read more as much as I can. Your answers are very helpful :)

General Discussions / Re: On Fir'ouns body
« on: November 19, 2015, 06:26:47 AM »
Yes, about the atom thing, that's true. Good point.

I just meant to say that most people attribute the Quran to Muhammad and say he wrote it, but it's God's words, not his. He just made copies of it.

About the article: it's probable that the word does mean gentile, you're right. I was taught by all my Sunday school teachers that he was illiterate, so it was the belief I held until I read the article.

Prophets and Messengers / GUIDANCE
« on: November 18, 2015, 08:06:32 AM »
Why wasn't the Quran given to everyone for guidance? Most people are given a distorted and screwed up version of the Quran and Islam and they deny it, which is fine because they're not denying real islam, they're denying the messed-up version the media portrays. But why doesn't God give everyone the Quran in their own language so translators can''t mess it up and everyone has the opportunity to be guided?

Also, in the Quran people engage in rightful warfare when provoked. But why would God tell us to kill His other creations, even for rightful cause?

And how do we know Angel Gabriel was sent by God? What if the spirit that spoke to Muhammad wasn't really an angel?

Sorry too many questions but I hope you can reply :)
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General Discussions / Guidance 2
« on: November 18, 2015, 08:05:29 AM »
Why wasn't the Quran given to everyone for guidance? Most people are given a distorted and screwed up version of the Quran and Islam and they deny it, which is fine because they're not denying real islam, they're denying the messed-up version the media portrays. But why doesn't God give everyone the Quran in their own language so translators can''t mess it up and everyone has the opportunity to be guided?

Also, in the Quran people engage in rightful warfare when provoked. But why would God tell us to kill His other creations, even for rightful cause?

And how do we know Angel Gabriel was sent by God? What if the spirit that spoke to Muhammad wasn't really an angel?

Sorry too many questions but I hope you can reply :)

General Discussions / Re: On Fir'ouns body
« on: November 18, 2015, 07:22:50 AM »
I don't think the finding of this body is a coincidence. There are many "Quranic Miracle Rebuttals" online that say everything the Quran has prophecied and has come true is a coincidence, but that seems like a bit too many "coincidences" to me. That thing about the Romans being defeated in 3-9 years? And "the moon has split" prophecy (36 kg of moon rocks were transported to earth when they went to the moon, so the moon really did "split"). And now this Pharoah thing. Somehow, I have a very hard time believing all these are coincidences.

On a funny note, the Pharoah had natural red hair, apparently. Weird. I thought since he was a villain, he'd have slicked black hair in a ponytail or some such thing.

Anyway, I think most of these "miracles" are not necessary miracles alone, but when  you take into account every single Quranic prophecy and proof and how it's all turned out to be true, it gets kind of hard to deny that the Quran is on to something legitimate.

Also, Muhammad didn't really know anything. He was ILLITERATE. And then, out of nowhere, he starts reciting elaborate poetry, bringing forth hundreds of pages of Arabic calligraphy, making prophecies, and talking about the origin of the universe and perfectly rhymed Arabic. If a human wrote the Quran (which they didn't), they must have been psychic, a world traveler, a poet, a mathematical genius (although 19 code is nonsense), a lawyer, an explorer, a scientific genius, and the greatest liar and cheat human history has ever known.

So. Muhammad definitely did not write the Quran. OBVIOUSLY.

But can God really do ANYTHING? Like, if you somehow gave him two pieces of paper with exactly perfect copies of a picture, down to the last atom, and there was absolutely no difference between the pictures, do you think God could somehow find a difference?

OK, I'm rambling off-topic. Sorry.

General Discussions / Re: Concept of Jananat
« on: November 18, 2015, 07:07:53 AM »
At first Jannah seemed incredibly boring to me, like "couches and goblets of crystal, rivers of milk and honey, mansions made of jewels..." blah blah blah. That would have been interesting to the Quran's primary audience, but to me it's boring. So at first it might seem like Jannah is boring, until you come to the verses that say, "and in Jannah they will have whatever they desire." Now things get exciting.

So there is stuff for everyone in Jannah.

I want to get a kitten in Jannah. My question is, if everyone has whatever they want in Jannah, surely people would want different things. Like, I would want a rainbow mansion that changed colors every hour, and a fountain that sprayed chocolate syrup on people. But if EVERYONE wanted things of that extravagance, wouldn't it get terribly chaotic? Colors and fantasy animals and jewels everywhere. How would God figure this out?

General Discussions / Re: Guidance
« on: November 16, 2015, 10:36:48 AM »
Also anyone know of any Quranic duas to get through hard times and avoid emotional breakdown?

General Discussions / Guidance
« on: November 16, 2015, 10:35:36 AM »
Why doesn't God make His guidance available to everyone? Many people (most, actually) go through life never having gotten the real message of the Quran alone. They live their lives without the comfort of faith in God.

Why is this?

General Discussions / Re: Understanding Quran[9:123]
« on: November 16, 2015, 12:04:04 AM »
Hassan, yes, you probably have a point. I think I had it figured out but I wanted clarification :)
TruthSeeker, yeah, if you read the verses in conjunction it clarifies a lot.

General Discussions / Re: I am having doubts, evil thoughts and such, WHY?
« on: November 16, 2015, 12:01:11 AM »
Oh...that makes sense. Thnx.
I'm a girl by the mia not miah...:)

General Discussions / Re: Understanding Quran[9:123]
« on: November 15, 2015, 10:23:45 AM »
So basically, this is my understanding of the relevant verses of the surah so far:
9:1-3 God and Muhammad have dissolved all their treaties with the pagans.
9:4 Except for the treaties with the nice pagans who honored their terms and followed the rules.
9:5 When the sacred months are over, kill all the pagans!
So, which pagans are 9:5 referring to: the pagans who didn't honor their treaties, or ALL the pagans in that area?
Logically, it should just mean to kill the pagans that didn't honor their treaty, because muslims are instructed to only fight people who fight them.
But verse 5:28 suggests that even when other people fight you, it's better to make terms of peace with them.

General Discussions / Re: Understanding Quran[9:123]
« on: November 15, 2015, 10:16:56 AM »
Thank you for your reply. The commentary sheds some light on the verses, but I have one more question: Warfare is only permissible against people who attacked you first, this is the primary Quranic doctrine on violence, right? So why does 9:5 say to kill the pagans without specifying that you're only supposed to kill the ones who don't honor their treaties with you? Just wondering ???

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