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Offline Hassan3000

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Can we see God?
« on: June 13, 2016, 08:17:09 PM »
May peace be upon you :)

I had this question that I would like to have some insight on, in the verse below
“On that day some faces will be bright, looking at their Lord.” (Quran 75:22-23)

It shows that we can see God, but a question arises, that how can God be seen if he's not created. If not created, it means he's not designed, he's not matter, he cant be in a created realm.

Another question i had was on the verse below.
"And they urge you to hasten the punishment. But Allah will never fail in His promise. And indeed, a day with your Lord is like a thousand years of those which you count."

How can God have a day, when he's outside time, doesn't this show like he is also bound by time?

Thank you  ;D, sorry for any ignorance on my part. Just a few questions that I cant find the answers for.

Offline Nura

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Re: Can we see God?
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2016, 03:10:48 PM »
Salam Hassan3000

The verse u quoted is talking about the hearafter, it is going to be a new world with very different properties, we will be created a new creation with different properties as well, our sense of sight in this world has some limitations, we cannot see many created things living and non-living e.g jinns, atoms( using naked eye) and this also includes God the creator. This is how God designed us to function in this world, thinking we will have the same qualities in the hereafter is not correct!

Also not everybody in the hearafter will be allowed to meet and see Allah as alluded in the verse. Also God will not meet or speak to inhabitants of hell.

Your assertions He's not designed, not matter and can't be in a created realm is not fully correct. He is not designed by anyone but why should that mean He cannot be seen, He is not like His created matter, but ofcourse He has qualities, this does not mean God does not have properties , He just said He doesn't share properties with His creation! This just means He is different. He can't be in a created realm, this again is an unfounded assertion, He says He is everywhere and all around us, also He arose to His Arsh but that does'nt mean He cannot be in a created realm.

Time is just a phenomenon we experience, it is created because this world and everything in it had a specific property, that of chaos, etrophy, and decay, which means that which exists in this world including the world itself will go back to nothing eventually, so time is used to just reffer to that period of existence, time will become meaningless in the hearafter when there is no death and creation will not face death or etrophy. Time is a property or illusion of this created realm. The verse u quoted, there God is just giving us an idea about how we will feel on that day, time will not have the properties that time has in this world or time will not carry the same significance. Also this alludes to the fact that God is outside time and sees future present and past, which means a.thousand tears seems like a day because He can see it hapening all simultaneously, whereas we experience life in terms of years and centuries! This definietely does not show He is time bound, rather it shows the very opposite
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Offline Hassan3000

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Re: Can we see God?
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2016, 04:16:48 AM »
May peace be upon you :)

Thank you for your answer :)

Offline Nura

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Re: Can we see God?
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2016, 04:25:50 AM »

You are welcome  :) I am glad my answer was helpful.
Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien