Wonderful site!

Started by Reader Comments, November 17, 2011, 12:42:02 AM

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Reader Comments

Salaam brother Joseph,

May Allah's guidance be with you. Allow me to introduce myself brother. My family and myself reverted to Islam about 7 years ago. We were Christians earlier. However, we were faced with the same problem of sects and innovations in Islam as well and have had to be very careful not to stumble. I have always kept an open mind and have continued to seek the right path. I have read quite a lot about Islam and have spent time reasoning what the so called scholars have had to say, but with Allah's grace have been able to use my own common sense and stick to the truth as much as possible.

While surfing the net, by chance I stumbled upon your site and I must admit that what you profess is indeed True Islam - to worship Allah alone and be guided by his Quran.

[A sister in faith - Name withheld from forum]

Joseph Islam

Thank you for your comments.

Indeed only God can guide. I am a mere servant of God with all the inherent weaknesses of a fallible human being. At best all I can provide are arguments based on the scripture.

If what I say is true, then any good is only from God and I am merely an avenue to that truth, like anyone else. Any mistakes that I make are truly my own and my soul shall bear the brunt of any trangressions on the Day of Judgment.

The purpose of this section is merely to encourage others to share their personal experiences with others who may in turn be strengthened by it given their own circumstances.

It is a complex web of acquiring information and I believe that God takes us past what I call are 'watering places' if He intends to guide and 'water' those that truly seek His way. It is often a case of traversing these stepping stones with an open mind / heart and indeed moving on when the time is right.

My work is merely a small piece in this immense web. Please take anything from it that is good and move on from anything that you do not find convincing.

Let us race (fa-is'tabiqu) with one another in good works (2:148).

I ardently pray that my Lord guides me and forgives my fallible soul on the Day that I am raised.

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell