With respect a covenant with Allah, meaning I make a promises to Allah SWT that I been disturb by this unseen voices which whispering to me all the time. And my duty is to delivered HIS Message (AlQuran) to the alamin (universe). Therefore I am just looking for Allah's pleasure (redha) and HIS Proctect..Stated in AlQuran with meaning; And if an evil whisper comes to you from Shaitan (Satan), then seek refuge with Allah. Verily, He is All-Hearer, All-Knower. Al-Araf, Chapter 7:200.
So, I told them (unseen voice/creatures – angels,jinn,devil or spirits) that Heaven was created by obeying AlQuran and sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW and by disobeying it, Hell will be placed.
They (the unseen voices) wanted to been known among us (human being)…? What is your comment about that?