Religious authority to specific Sunnah practices

Started by Sstikstof, February 05, 2016, 02:53:10 AM

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Does Sunnah practices sactioned by the Quran like praying, giving alms etc. can be given "religious authority" ? For example, Will i have to maintain salat form, zakat form, Hajj procedure and other sunnah practice forms which got support from the Quran, as fixed as it was done by our prophets?
"And no example do they bring to you but We bring to you the truth and the BEST TAFSEER (EXEGESIS)." 25:33

The best commentary of the Qur'an is the Qur'an itself!


This is an important question.

Salah is prescribed in the Quran. The Sunnah tells us Muhammad's preferred method of doing it. It is possible that the Sunnah method of doing salah is one of the best forms of prayer, and we can follow it if we want to.

However, we don't HAVE to follow it.

The ways in which Muhammad conducted himself (in salah, charity, etc.) are definitely good ways to do things, but they're most likely based on the society in which he lived. Thus, we don't have to follow them. However, if Muhammad's methods are practical in this society and they work well for us, then we can follow them if we like.


Please be notified that salat,hajj and alms giving etc. These are timeless and suitable for all society norms. That's why I asked such type of question.
"And no example do they bring to you but We bring to you the truth and the BEST TAFSEER (EXEGESIS)." 25:33

The best commentary of the Qur'an is the Qur'an itself!


Asalamu Alykum

In my humble opinion, the Quran has been revealed to humanity to collectively be used by those who believe. It is for them to derive a society and laws based on what God has revealed in the Quran.

There is also no doubt that the Quran also holds personal rituals and obligations when times are lonely and cannot be done by a society. Also these rituals and obligations have been prescribed as a choice and not as a law.

When a society is already in-situ of almost a completely fine form of prayer then why change it.  I think whats more of an important questions is:

Should one change a existing form or practice that is practiced by nearly the whole world that is already compatible with the prayer(Salat) of the Quranic guidelines?

Can you imagine what could this possibly do?
What is the wisdom in doing so other than changing a way that is almost totally justifiable by the Quran?

With the whole world pretty much familiar with this form of prayer allows people from all different places and backgrounds to pray to God together no matter where they are.

If we go back to the Quran there seems to be a directive to the Children of Israel that tells them to bow with those who bow.
2:43And be steadfast in prayer; practise regular charity; and bow down your heads with those who bow down (in worship)

Also a directive to Mary
3:43"O Mary! worship Thy Lord devoutly: Prostrate thyself, and bow down (in prayer) with those who bow down."

So if wisdom was to be extracted from the above verses, as long as their is people who practise a form that is in no conflict with the Quran I don't see why we need to invent a new practice especially when there is a risk of changing a way that may of been started by Prophet Muhammad or Prophet Abraham. Maybe slight changes between them, but many people already practice them, there will be no need to complicate things even more. At the end we can never know for sure.



I'm not against the existing sunnah practices, but just want to know is it given as religious authority or compulsory to follow that form?
"And no example do they bring to you but We bring to you the truth and the BEST TAFSEER (EXEGESIS)." 25:33

The best commentary of the Qur'an is the Qur'an itself!


Sunnah...was mostly derived from Hadeeth...When...Quran says is complete and everything is in detailed...we do no need hadeeth...but..for some things...we can follow consist of...bowing...standing...and prostrating...we can follow prescribed in hadeeth..but should be conscious enough to only mention about God and pray to other names should be called during these days..consist of Salawat..that is...sending duas to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)...we should not do such things...we should only pray to GOD...and there are other things...we may not have to follow...Sunath is optional...not compulsory...where as...following Quran is mandatory...even Quran does not mention anything about Sunnah...but...people find it hard to leave their life long..practices...that is the thing...


Quote from: Anjum on February 05, 2016, 04:06:11 PM
Sunnah...was mostly derived from Hadeeth...When...Quran says is complete and everything is in detailed...we do no need hadeeth...but..for some things...we can follow consist of...bowing...standing...and prostrating...we can follow prescribed in hadeeth..but should be conscious enough to only mention about God and pray to other names should be called during these days..consist of Salawat..that is...sending duas to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)...we should not do such things...we should only pray to GOD...and there are other things...we may not have to follow...Sunath is optional...not compulsory...where as...following Quran is mandatory...even Quran does not mention anything about Sunnah...but...people find it hard to leave their life long..practices...that is the thing...
please be notified that sunnah practices that have sanctioned by the quran reached us through generation to generation or el masse propagation which is called tawatur, not through hadith. My question is based on it that are these forms compulsory or have authority as fixed? If for example some forms are changed, will it be against Islam?
"And no example do they bring to you but We bring to you the truth and the BEST TAFSEER (EXEGESIS)." 25:33

The best commentary of the Qur'an is the Qur'an itself!


Dear SStikokf,

There is no need to re-invent the wheel! If the sunnah practices, practical tawatar: far more authentic than narrations, remember "actions speak louder than words" :) are not conflicting with Quran's message, then keep on doing them! No problem, but some sunnah practices are also corrupted like "attaheyat" in salat, which does not make any sense and is conflicting the Quran, logic and common sesnse in my humble opinion.


Quote from: maverick83pk on February 05, 2016, 06:27:31 PM
Dear SStikokf,

There is no need to re-invent the wheel! If the sunnah practices, practical tawatar: far more authentic than narrations, remember "actions speak louder than words" :) are not conflicting with Quran's message, then keep on doing them! No problem, but some sunnah practices are also corrupted like "attaheyat" in salat, which does not make any sense and is conflicting the Quran, logic and common sesnse in my humble opinion.
I know this. But asking question for academic purpose. Please note my point,

for example, If we students are asked to go New York by teacher, and our number 1 student went to New york through walking (which is called sunnah), and I also went to New york by plane. But walking is referred to as best sunnah. So, will this walking be given authority, or fixed system to be obeyed for going New York forever, whether I went through plane or taxi?
"And no example do they bring to you but We bring to you the truth and the BEST TAFSEER (EXEGESIS)." 25:33

The best commentary of the Qur'an is the Qur'an itself!


Dear SStikof,

Sunnah is only related to ritual practices like Salat, Fasting and Hajj. Sunnah means a "well trodden path" and this is not the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad pbuh, as he did not bring a new religion called Islam, Prophet Abraham pbuh is called the great patriarch by Quran to establish Islam, and Prophet Muhammad pbuh is directed to follow "Millat e Ibrahim". Therefore, the sunnah defined by traditionalists to make it revolve solely around Prophet Muhammad pbuh's personal choices like using twigs for brushing, cupping of blood, right foot for coming our of bathroom, left foot for going into the bathroom etc. is totally incorrect. These things are not sunnah, their definition of sunnah is wrong. What has beard got to do with the deen of Islam? It was a cultural fashion back then.

Once you turn over to the quran-centric spectrum of Islam, you will see how much petty things were taught to you by the traditionalists clergy men.
Therefore, your question regarding walking or using airplane has got nothing to do with System of Islam :P