the whole world will one day be in the fold of Islam?

Started by Abdurrahman, August 30, 2016, 04:49:53 AM

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9:32 They seek to extinguish God's light (the Quran) by their utterances. But God will not allow this to pass, for He has willed to spread His light in all its fullness even though the rejecters may detest it.

9:33 He is the One Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the True Religion (The Divinely Prescribed System of Life), that He may cause it to prevail over all religions and systems of life, even though the idolaters may detest it.

The above ayahs seem to be very forthright and clear indeed.

If you don't agree that the whole world will one day be in the fold of Islam (as the above Ayahs indicate), kindly enlighten me & us
as to what you think is the meaning of these Ayahs?



An alternate translation of lijuth,hirahu might be "to make it apparent".


Asalamu Alykum Abdurrahman

Please remember that believers are instructed that the "Hour" may arrive at anytime[1]. That meaning if the world had believed or not believed, when the Lord decrees its time it will happen. There is no indication in the verses you provided that the whole world will be in the fold of Islam. It maybe understood that the guidance and religion of truth and not the people will always prevail or be more apparent/manifest than any other religion.

I have heard many make use of verse 58:21 to indicate that the final days or era will be conquered by Islam. Although that maybe the case no one knows ONLY GOD. What we must definitely keep in mind is that the "Hour" can happen at anytime, and verse 58:21 should be read with keeping in mind this promise is directed to the prophet Muhammad and his contemporaries first.

58:21 Allah has decreed: "It is I and My messengers who must prevail": For Allah is One full of strength, able to enforce His Will.

God knows best.


[1] The Unwarranted Infatuation With Seeking Knowledge of the Final Hour

good logic

Peace Abdurrahman.

When you say ,quote:

If you don't agree that the whole world will one day be in the fold of Islam (as the above Ayahs indicate), kindly enlighten me & us as to what you think is the meaning of these Ayahs?

One is left to wonder which "Islam"?:
-ISIS Islam
-Shia Islam.
-Sunni Islam
-Other Islam(  like Sufi, Ahmadi, Qoran centric, Submitter,...etc)
Or this "Islam":

GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD


Peace be upon you brothers. For what don't you translate this word into English?