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Offline Visionary

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Political engagement
« on: December 31, 2011, 09:00:46 AM »

In connection to the other political post, I would like to know your views and the Quranic perspective on other form of political engagement such as, lobbying, demonstrating/ protesting, becoming party members etc.

I was once told by a Muslim brother that Lobbying and demonstrating were not a practice of the Prophet (garnered from hadith sources), therefore we should not participate.

My humble view would suggest that just because the Prophet did not specifically participate in them is not is not a sufficient reason to not do something, as long as it is bounds with Quranic limits.

I think of the analogy: The Prophet did not use guns and tanks in those times, so it would not be haraam to use guns and tanks nowadays as this would severely inhibit military activity. Seeing as there is psychological warfare upon Muslims now, modern tools of utilisation would be of benefit.

Your views would be appreciated.


Offline chadiga

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Re: Political engagement
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2012, 05:45:15 AM »
dear brother
I think your question goes a little over to the other. Seen from a Quranic point of view (see other post), there is nothing bad for me mingle in politics, when the party to which I belong  matches with the contents of the Koran . To belong to a political party that calls for example, to fix the ban on alcohol at 12 years, stands in contradiction to the Qur'anic principles.
Of the current political situation, it is probably rather difficult to find a "real" Koranic party. If compromises must be made with regard to Allah, I think  a political activity is not allowed. But can (with Allahs teachings)  be implemented in a society a positive effect, it is highly recommended. So it is certainly on the specific situation and it can not be argued almost generally.
Demonstrations, harm others by things be demolished, is certainly not recommended, while a peaceful march can be regarded as in line with the koran ...
If I study however the global political situation today and the corruption of politicians, then I'm more of a retreat, because I do not want to be mobbed up by corrupt  people ... :)