Meaning of Salat

Started by Cihan, May 18, 2023, 11:05:26 AM

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Selam brothers and sisters

Though I have a lot of points to make on this, I believe it would be best if instead of me listing them all, that we go one by one, try to agree on and settle one point and then move onto the next.

I am fully aware that traditionally "Salat" is understood as "prayer", more precisely "5 times a day, ritual prayer". Salat is also translated in the Quran as things like, blessing, honour and in 22.40 strangely as Synagogues.

The root meaning of "Salat" is to follow something closely.  (In a horse race when the second horse follows the first one so closely that its head always overlaps the first horse's body that horse is called AL-MUSSALLI (i.e. the one who follows closely / remains attached).

My point would be referring to Surah 11 Verse 87 which is translated as [They said, "O Shuaib! Does your prayer (Salat) command you that we leave what worship our forefathers, or that we do concerning our wealth what we will? Indeed you, surely you (are) the forbearing, the right-minded."]

Some translators due to this nonsensical translation are forced to insert, in brackets, things such as

"(thy habit) of prayer" - Asad
"thy way of prayer" - Pickthall
"thy (religion of) prayer" - Yusuf Ali

to salvage the situation which fails.

As Im sure you will all agree, a prayer cannot command. A prayer is calling out to God and in this instance the person in question is Prophet Shu'ayb. How can prayer, coming from Prophet Shu'aybs own mouth, directed at God, command Prophet Shu'ayb himself?!?

This is the first point I would like discussed before we move on. This translation is a logical fallacy and the Quran being the Word of God, is free from such things. This Verse alone, is sufficent for me to reject "Salat" as prayer, much less  "5 times a day ritual prayer"

Once we insert the correct meaning of the word into the verse, the result is this;

They said, "O Shuaib! Does, WHAT YOU FOLLOW (Salat), command you that we leave what worship our forefathers, or that we do concerning our wealth what we will? Indeed you, surely you (are) the forbearing, the right-minded."]

Which makes perfect sense.

Looking forward to reading your view and opinions.

Your brother in Faith