Hello danigabriel,
Re jealous, I do not see any reason to doubt the translation of the Hebrew, it does not seem to be a word that is in dispute. The personal aspects, the anthropomorphisms, are something that are avoided within Islam in response to the incorrect views of the church. However the danger in this is making God into an impersonal spirit, a force that is irelavent.
God created man in His image according to the Torah. Different inherent attributes of man reflect the nature of God. That being God like a loving Father. The other is that his people (ummah) are like a bride to him. This where understanding God as a jealous God comes in. If I were to see some man trying to steal my wife’s affections and seduce her, then my godly response would be one of jealousy, wrath and anger. This is actually central to the Shahadat. Why does God say "There are no god's but God?" Because His love, mercy and compassion is directed towards His people, and responds as if a husband could see his wife being seduced. This actually puts new importance on the Shahadat not simply as a confession for Kafir to enter the faith, but for those who are islam to always put God above all else. I think this terminology in regards to God is important, simply to understand the character of God.