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Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Celebrating Birthdays
« on: December 05, 2011, 05:28:25 AM »
Brother Joseph

I never used to celebrate birthdays before at least during the time I had been following the Hadith and sunnah but now, recently, i only wish my friends and family a happy birthday. Am I wrong in doing this?

I don't celebrate by doing parties or anything much like that, but I do wish them well because I feel it will help me to communicate/bond with them better.

I used to even send out articles or videos saying it was haraam. i don't do that anymore. I also don't make a big deal about birthdays anymore because I honestly don't feel it in my heart to be. But I do, at least wish my friends/family just for their mental peace and that they will feel appreciated or loved.

Is this forbidden?

[A sister in faith]


Christians say "My Father in reference to God. If this exists in the Bible, have scribes added or tampered with the main scripture and added it later?

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Do I Have to Pray in Arabic?
« on: December 01, 2011, 10:50:54 AM »
Brother, salaam alaykum,

Can you please tell me how your pray? just for an example. i'm just curious since my prayer seems quite different from the "regular" ritualistic one.

What I do is I say my prayer in Arabic but I do select the verses according to their meanings 1st so i know what i'm saying. When I'm praying I don't remember the whole meaning but I do remember the gist of it.

Is that ok? or should I be saying everything in the language i understand?

Because i feel that Allah's Message, the Quran, was sent in Arabic and to remain true to the message & praises for Allah and my prayers/du'as i should say it in Arabic because after all we are human and prone to errors and also there are so many perceptions of the translations.

But at the end i do say the translations as per whatever i said in my du'as.

[A sister in faith]


May I ask some questions please?

I was reading surah Ar'af today ayah 145 - And We ordained laws for him in the Tablets in all matters, both commanding and explaining all things, (and said): "Take and hold these with firmness, and enjoin thy people to hold fast by the best in the precepts: soon shall I show you the homes of the wicked― (how they lie desolate)." (145)

Tablets here means that the Allah sent the scriptures to prophet Musa written? That means Musa (pbuh) didn't have to write anything or produce it, it was already given to him by Allah? if this is correct, do you think that the Quran was given to prophet Muhammad like this too? or no? And do these Tablets exist now?

Is the following indicating the ramadhan fasts and hajj fasts?

"We appointed for Moses thirty nights, and completed (the period) with ten (more): thus was completed the term (of communion) with his Lord, forty nights...." Surah Ar'af 142

Thank you.

Salam Brother,

What is the difference between Hadith & Sunnah ? Hadith may general narrations of Prophets period while Sunna is actions of Prophet which is part of Hadith.Hazrat Ayesha has told that Prophet was moving Quran means every action of Prophet was as per Quran then what is written in Quran is his Sunnah .Right ? Please tell me if I am right.

salaam alaykum brother Joseph,

I was just reading this can you plz tell me whether we have to fast other than the days in ramdaan?

I never knew about fasting in Muharram and so far i haven't found it in the Quran that it says to fast during these days. This site says so according to some hadith, but they also quote an ayah(the ayah doesn't seem to say anything about fasting though):

"Verily, the number of months with Allāh is twelve months (in a year), so was it ordained by Allāh on the Day when He created the heavens and the earth; of them four are Sacred. That is the right religion, so wrong not yourselves therein." (9:36)

Which r the sacred 4? I know one is Ramadaan and the other is the month of Hajj. right?

Jazakallah khair,

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Women Leading Prayer
« on: December 01, 2011, 10:25:32 AM »
Related Article:


QM Forum Admin


Dear Brother Joseph,

Prophets of God have all been men: true.This fact, for me, does not in and of itself preclude women leading congregations. Rather, I view it through a sociological lens: only in recent history in some societies have women attained equality (including educational access) with men. Even during Prophet Mohammed's life, when women were being accorded more rights and freedoms due to Quranic revelation, it would have been a radical departure from societal norms for women to have stood in such authoritative positions. The fact that men have traditionally held this role is simply that: tradition. Prevailing custom must not be used as an argument for upholding tradition.


Related Article:


QM Forum Admin


Dear Brother Joseph,

Thank you for these postings. Interestingly, I had just been pondering 'Amen'.

I have noted that the word 'Amen' is not present in all biblical editions of Matthew 6. I am not a biblical historian but am curious as to whether 'Amen' appears the oldest biblical translations. I agree with the common understanding of the meaning of Amen (truly, verily) but have read articles which tie the word's origin back to the Egyptian god Amen-Ra. What are your views on this?

[A sister in faith]

Assalam Joseph.

I wanted to know why Allah asked Prophet Abraham for a physical sacrifice by cutting the neck of his son?

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Do I need to wear a Hijaab?
« on: November 29, 2011, 05:54:36 AM »
Reference article:

QM Admin.

Dear Brother Joseph, salaam alaikum!

I have read your article on hijaab regarding head cover.

I have a question:

Is head cover necessary at all?

I am currently wearing head cover but i sometimes wear jilbab n sometimes not, but i do dress modestly like wear long and loose clothes with my head cover covering my chest area so i think i'm alright. i'm scared to take my head cover off becoz i'm not sure i should. i also feel comfortable in it. I don't want to go against Allah swt though. what should i do?

[A Sister in faith]

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Christmas season and Santa
« on: November 29, 2011, 05:46:13 AM »

Salaam alaikum Joseph,

We took our daughter to see santa at the mall recently. We did this just for her fun but not in any way to celebrate Christmas or it's views. We've given that knowledge to our daughter that we don't do christmas and she understands, Alhumdulilah. but are we wrong in doing this? is this tying us in shirk at all?

[A sister in faith]

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Saying Darud in Prayer
« on: November 29, 2011, 05:38:06 AM »
Salam Joseph

I have changed my salaah according to the Quran. I praise Him in my salaah with verses from the Quran praising Allah and my salaah is not like the traditional salaah. I don't say darood sharif or attahiatu. I testify Allah's oneness etc. i don't do salaam at the end too. I say the darood n attaahiyatu at the end as a du'a but it is not a part of my salaah. what is your view on this plz?

[A sister in faith]

Reference article:

Salaam dear brother Joseph,
I  went through your article on Prophet Abraham and the other links. You feel that it was Isaac that was taken to be sacrificed and you feel that Surah 37:101-112  was referring to Isaac. I went through the ayats several times from many translations, and it seems to me that ayats 101 - 111 are referring to Abraham's first born son Ishmael though the name isn't mentioned. I feel this way for two reasons. First, while going through the above mentioned ayats Allah narrates how he answered Abraham's prayers by giving him a righteous and patient son, He then goes on to narrate how Abraham had a dream and then with his sons knowledge and submission takes him to be sacrificed. Then goes on to say how he stopped him from sacrificing his son and instead provides him with an animal. Then concludes the incident by praising Abraham for his faith and submission and says he will be remembered and blessed by generations to come. With this we can clearly see the story comes to an end. Then Allah in ayah 102 starts with the word 'And' and goes on to say that he blessed him with Isaac. I personally feel this is in reference to a second son.
My second reason is --- Even though I was born a Christian and grew up with the story about Abraham sacrificing Issac, I never bothered to check it out from the Bible. However, Just before embracing Islam and when going through many articles, I did read about the sacrificial son being Ishmael. This came as a surprise to me and motivated me to investigate the matter further in the Bible and I was surprised to find that what I read was in fact true. I'm sure you must be having knowledge of the Biblical account, but kindly allow me to share with you my thoughts on the topic. Kindly go through the following verses from the book of Genesis:   
Genesis  ch 16:15 'Later on Hagar bore to Abraham a son and Abraham called the name of his son whom Hagar bore Ishmael. 16-And Abraham was eighty six years old at Hagar's bearing  Ishmael to Abraham.'

Genesis ch 21:3 'Accordingly Abraham called the name of his son who had been born to him, whom Sarah had borne to him, Isaac. 4- And Abraham proceeded to circumcise Isaac his son when eight days old, just as God had commanded him. 5- And Abraham was a hundred years old when Isaac his son was born to him.'

Genesis ch 22:1 'Now after these things it came about the true God put Abraham to the test. Accordingly he said to him: 'Abraham!' to which he said: 'Here I am!' 2-And he went on to say: 'Take, please, your son, your only son whom you so love, Isaac, and make a trip to the land of Moriah and there offer him up as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I shall designate to you.'

From the above verses it would be logical to come to the following conclusions:

     1. Abraham's first born son is Ishmael.

     2. His second son Isaac was born 14 years later.

     3. For God to tell Abraham to take his 'only son', to be sacrificed, it would have to be before Isaac was born, when he had only Ishmael.

     4. The name 'Isaac' appearing in Gen. 22:1 seems to be an error.

The argument that Christians put forward is that Ishmael was the illegitimate child of Abraham and cannot be counted as his first son is absolute nonsense to me because nothing on earth can change the fact that Ishmael was Abraham's first born son irrespective of the status of his mother. Further, God would never show such discrimination.

Kindly let me have your thoughts on the above issue.

Saalam brother,

[A sister in faith]

Salam Alaykum,

What is difference between nisa and zawja as used (in 33:32-33 & 33:59 - as both has been referred as wives of prophets)?
I have noted even Nisa are wives, women, old women , widows etc etc but what is meaning in Arabic as as per Quranic context.

- Some people argue that nisa does not mean women and may also include men.

Salam Joseph.

Surah Ala (87), talks of the previous books like the Torah having mention of the hereafter. But the Torah doesn't talk about the hereafter. I realize the Torah has been changed but it seems surprising that if there were many verses discussing the hereafter, would they all be erased from the Torah?

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