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Topics - Alaeddin

Pages: [1]
Prophets and Messengers / Story of Prophet breaking stone idols.
« on: November 26, 2011, 09:38:16 AM »
I was wondering on your opinion of the story of the prophet breaking the stone idols in the Kaba. Do you think this happened? What was the reasoning behind it as couldn't it be seen as a violation of freedom of religion? Thanks in advance.

General Discussions / Questions - Tattoos and Homosexuality
« on: November 12, 2011, 09:33:56 AM »
Salam Alaykum

My cousin came across this website and shared it with me. I'm finding it very enlightening so thank you. I just had a couple of questions which deal with a couple more issues which I hear a lot of different opinions on. I ask mainly because what I hear is a terrible portrayal of Islam which I doubt very much to be true. The first is the issue of tattoos. I think mostly, Muslims believe them to be haram. I have no problem with this being true, even though I've never really seen any mention of them in the Qur'an, but its the stories and messages about the image of the tattoo coming to life in the hereafter o punish you and all sorts of nonsense like this that worries me. What's your opinion on tattoos and their permissibility?

Also, the other is homosexuality. My concern this time is I've heard some so called 'scholars' say this is a practice punishable by death. What in your opinion is a true Islamic position on this? Thanks

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