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Messages - Ismail

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Women / Re: Need for Abolishing All Discriminatory Laws Against Women
« on: September 28, 2013, 12:13:14 AM »
Salaam, Mubashir, Sayed Husain, Chadiga, and all members.

But 'who will bell the cat?' In our community we have the most appalling phenomenon of influential people and people in power behaving in the manner of 'fence eating the crop'.

Along with working sincerely towards what Sayed Husain tried to explain, we have to pay special attention: 

(1)  To strengthen our Salaath. Be silent regarding what today appears like Salaath. Work towards instilling life into it, by strengthening it from inside. In other words, campaign scrupulously and steadfastly to inculcate in the Musalleen a vehement desire to follow with rapt attention whatever portion of the Quran is recited in Salaath.

(2)  To start Madrasas that pay the required attention to Al Quran.

If children of average intelligence, plus an average capacity to handle any one language, preferably, (in the Indo-Pak Subcontinent), either Urdu or English, are admitted into such a madrasa, we can create in them the capacity to recite any portion of the Qur'an by heart (that is, graduate as Huffaz), and also at the same time to be able to follow the meaning thereof in just one year.

In order to inculcate the capacity to follow the meaning during recitation, two periods, one in the morning, and another in the evening must be dedicated to the teaching of Arabic grammar with reference to Al Qur'an.

At the very beginning of the academic year, the students must be well trained to perform Salaath following with rapt attention the meaning of Al Fathiha and whatever little more is commonly recited in Salaath. You will be surprised to find their character improving day by day, insha Allah.

As their character improves, their intelligence also will skyrocket, and you will see that they pay more and more sincere attention to their studies, and pass out of the academy with flying colors and true revolutionary spirit, insaha Allah.

A. Ismail Sait.         

General Discussions / Re: man is not 'successor'/ 'viceregent' of Allah
« on: September 23, 2013, 05:30:25 AM »

Khaleefa is one who comes after someone in order to replace him.

According to exegetes, God intended to replace Jinns by humans as the responsible dominant creatures upon the earth.

If the Jinns continue to live in this very same earth, it is not against God’s intent, as they are not occupying the place of responsible dominant creatures of the earth.

36:13 is not about any kind of succession.

A. Ismail Sait.

Islamic Duties / Re: The ways of dhikr
« on: September 22, 2013, 10:32:05 PM »

In 20:14 we see that the purpose, aim and object of Salaath is zikr (remembrance of Allah).

In 2:239, and 62:9, zikr seems to be synonymous with Salaath.

In 17:78, Quran or its recital seems to be synonymous with Salaath.

Whether we utter the word Allah, or Al Rahmaan, or call Him by any other suitable name in any language whatsoever, or we remember Him secretly in our hearts, or we use any suitable phrase or sentence in any language whatsoever while mentioning Him, where is the command against such acts in the Qur’an?

Of course, whenever there is the slightest doubt, or dispute, Qur’an is the only authority.

A. Ismail Sait.

Islamic Duties / Re: On Jummah prayers
« on: September 22, 2013, 08:26:16 PM »

Then what about 5:58:

"And when you proclaim your call to prayer they take it but as mockery and sport..."

A. Ismail Sait.

Discussions / Re: Immunization/vaccination?
« on: September 21, 2013, 02:45:16 PM »

I request all members of this forum to study the online article:

All educated people must read it, is my very humble opinion.

The following is a quote from the same:

"We claim that we have conquered many fatal infectious diseases because of our interventions. The truth is otherwise! Most of these diseases were on the wane long before the medical science came on the scene. Plague disappeared from Europe by the end of 18th century before any intervention or antibiotics came on the scene, diphtheria  death rate plummeted well before anti-diphtheritic serum was made available, tuberculosis deaths had significantly come down long before streptomycin or BCG were discovered.

"Affluence with good food and better standards of living coupled with good sanitation had made infectious diseases come down both in Europe since the Second World War and in the US after the 1930s depression abated. Medical intervention had very little to do with the decline. Another biological reason was that most of these diseases are but dynamic ones with their own cycles of waxing and waning. Man claims credit when nature comes to his help. One could only shudder to think that any of the deadly diseases could rear their head at any time in the future when the environment suits them. Give one example of plague. Plague disappeared from Europe when Europe became a degree cooler making it difficult for the rattus rattus (black rat) to survive, replaced by rattus novigenous (white rat). The latter cannot harbor pasturella pestis, the plague germ. If Europe becomes a degree warmer in future, plague might reappear in spite of medical efforts to stop it!"

Dr BM Hegde, the author of the article is well known to me.

It is saving lives.

For, according to Qur'an, saving one life is like saving the lives of all mankind!

A. Ismail Sait.

Discussions / Re: Immunization/vaccination?
« on: September 21, 2013, 05:01:59 AM »

"What Jenner discovered, though hardly original in its general principle, was that it pays far better to scare 100% of the fools in the world—the vast majority—into buying vaccine than it does to treat the small minority who really get smallpox and who cannot afford to pay anything. It was indeed a very great discovery—worth thousands of millions. That is why this kind of blackmail is still kept going"--Dr Hadwin.

This quote is from a priceless article: Vaccination: The Inside story. by Professor Dr BM Hegde

To read the article click on:

Then from the list of archive articles, click on Vaccination: The Inside story

All this is about saving precious lives.

For, according to Qur'an, saving one life is like saving the lives of all mankind!

A. Ismail Sait.

Discussions / Re: witnesses in rape cases
« on: September 20, 2013, 09:58:01 PM »

Controversies regarding the English word "rape" notwithstanding, let us see how Qur'an guides us as to how to handle a case wherein a woman alleges that she was forced into sexual intercourse with and by a person not her husband.

Help! O God!

Because this is one of the global hot topics of the day, we are all the more duty bound to delve into this subject in right earnest and seek a convincing solution.

Help! Allah!

A. Ismail Sait.

Discussions / Re: witnesses in rape cases
« on: September 19, 2013, 02:48:52 PM »

Is there a well defined synonym in Qur'an for the English word rape?

English dictionaries are not convincing about its meaning.

Purportedly forced sex with ones wife is also considered rape in America.

I have heard that consensual sex outside marriage is not considered unlawful in many countries.

A. Ismail Sait.

Discussions / Re: witnesses in rape cases
« on: September 18, 2013, 03:32:34 PM »

Those who commit zina are not under divine guidance. Their consciousness is not clear enough for them to be able take meticulous, fool proof precautions.   

For, Allah’s guidance alone is real guidance. 6:71, etc.

Satan only intends to cheat by his promises and assurances to the sinners.. 4:120, 17:64.

Allah’s guidance in this world is likened to the historic episode of the fugitive youth whom Allah guided in their great escapade.  How they were divinely directed towards quite an ideal hiding place. 18:17.

As for Allah not guiding the wicked, we have an example in the person who in his royal arrogance, vehemently argued with Prophet Abraham, but the Prophet easily outwitted him. 2:258.

So also, the righteous ones who make meticulous plans and firm footedly strive to fulfill the formal requirements of t he shari’a to prosecute the perpetrators of heinous crimes do succeed, sooner
than later.

A. Ismail Sait.

The following is the corrected version of the above.

Q:  Please can you tell me what you think that verse should actually read in terms of translation?

Ans:  In terms of translation, I have already attempted a draft translation which you find in my article. Some of the words therein are borrowed. Especially, the sentence: “This is for those who fear undue botheration” is mine. So also some more.

Q:  Are you saying that the verse is implying that marrying slave girls is only encouraged if a man is unable to marry free believing women.

Ans:  The natural or traditional, or more convenient preference (that of preferring free women over slave women for marriage is not discouraged.

But in case free women are not affordable according to the conventions obtaining in those days in Arabia, God reminds them that there is no compunction in marrying suitable, believing slave women.

That means preferring free women, is not being encouraged either. 

Clearly, freedom of choice is neither being scuttled nor curtailed. For, marriage is a lifelong holy commitment to cohabit until, in the words of the marrying couple: “death does us apart”! - A Tough or Durable Covenant, according to 4:21. Therefore, clear, responsible, thoughtful, unfettered choice is indispensable, and so divinely granted.
Moreover, we notice that a compulsion to marry slave women was not at all necessary in order to salvage them. Otherwise it would have been ordained.

I think nobody can disagree that in an environment of utter contempt and disregard for slaves, the stage is being set for them to be drawn into mainstream life, according to 4:25.

It is not that “marrying slave girls is only encouraged if a man is unable to marry free believing women”.

They are only being reminded that if non affordability is the only constraint keeping you from lawful conjugal bliss, then throw all jahliyya conventions to the winds, and opt for a believing slave girl of your choice, for, such a choice is not at all a detestable thing.

This is quite in accordance with 49:13:
“… (Not that you may despise each other). Verily, the most honored of you in the sight of God is he (who is) the most righteous of you…”

And, in 24:32, we have the clarion call to pay special attention to the marriage of slave girls.

Q:  Also if a woman commits an indecent act, she is punishable regardless of her being a slave or not, although the former has half the punishment.

Ans:  Slave girls or slave women have some inevitable considerations, because they were living below the level of human dignity.

For exampleVerse 4:25, and also Verse 24:33:

“… And force not your maids to prostitution… compels them (to prostitution), then, after such compulsion, Allah is Very forgiving, Most Merciful.”.

42:40: “And the recompense for an evil is an evil like thereof. But whoever forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah…” 

2:178: “…in cases of murder….but if a remission is made by the brother of the slain,…This is a concession and a Mercy from your Lord…”. Both free and slave, men as well as women, are included in the meaning of 2:178.

Interestingly, the mention of this very great remission is there much before 4:25.

A. Ismail Sait.


Q:  Please can you tell me what you think that verse should actually read in terms of translation?

Ans:  In terms of translation, I have already attempted a draft translation which you find in my article. Some of the words therein are borrowed. Especially, the sentence: “This is for those who fear undue botheration is mine. So also some more.

Q:  Are you saying that the verse is implying that marrying slave girls is only encouraged if a man is unable to marry free believing women.

Ans:  The natural or traditional, or more convenient preference (that of preferring free women over slave women for marriage is not discouraged.

But in case free women are not affordable according to the conventions obtaining in those days in Arabia, God reminds them that there is no compunction in marrying suitable, believing slave women.

That means preferring free women is no t being encouraged either.

Clearly, freedom of choice is neither being scuttled nor curtailed. For, marriage is a lifelong holy commitment to cohabit until, in the words of the marrying couple: “death does us apart”! - A Tough or Durable Covenant, according to 4:21. Therefore, clear, responsible, thoughtful, unfettered choice is indispensable, and so divinely granted. 

I think nobody can disagree that in an environment of utter contempt and disregard for slaves, the stage is being set for them to be drawn into mainstream life, according to 4:25.

It is not that “marrying slave girls is only encouraged if a man is unable to marry free believing women”.

They are only being reminded that if non affordability is the only constraint keeping you from lawful conjugal bliss, then throw all jahliyya conventions to the winds, and opt for a believing slave girl of your choice, for, such a choice is not at all a detestable thing.

This is quite in accordance with 49:13:
“… (Not that you may despise each other). Verily, the most honored of you in the sight of God is he (who is) the most righteous of you…”

And, in 24:32, we have the clarion call to pay special attention to the marriage of slave girls.

Q:  Also if a woman commits an indecent act, she is punishable regardless of her being a slave or not, although the former has half the punishment.

Ans:  Slave girls or slave women have some inevitable considerations, because they were living below the level of human dignity.

For exampleVerse 4:25, and also Verse 24:33:

“… And force not your maids to prostitution… compels them (to prostitution), then, after such compulsion, Allah is Very forgiving, Most Merciful.”.

42:40: “And the recompense for an evil is an evil like thereof. But whoever forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah…” 

2:178: “…in cases of murder….but if a remission is made by the brother of the slain,…This is a concession and a Mercy from your Lord…”.

Interestingly, the mention of this very great remission is mentioned much before 4:25.

A. Ismail Sait.


Verse 4:25 is related to Verse 24:32.

Moreover, there is more to Verse 4:25 than meets the eye.

So I thought, and wrote the following article: (I request the honorable moderator and members of this forum to honor me with their studied comments.)

“And he who does not have the means wherewith to wed free believing women, they may wed believing girls from among those whom your right hands posses. And Allah has full knowledge about your faith. You are one from another: Wed them with the leave of their owners, and give them their dowers, according to what is reasonable: they should be chaste, not fornicators, nor taking adulterous.  However, after they have been taken in wedlock, if they commit obscenity, their punishment is half that of free married women. This is for those who fear undue botheration. And it is better for you if you would exercise patience. God is Very Forgiving, Consistently merciful.”   

There are a lot of gross discrepancies in the traditional interpretation of 4:25:

Regarding: “This is for those who fear undue botheration”: 

Here the word “this” is taken by the traditional exegetes to mean the permission (not encouragement) to marry believing slave girls. That is to say, (according to the traditional interpretation,) this permission to marry believing slave girls is for those who, lacking in the wherewithal to marry free women, fear that they may commit unlawful sex if they do not marry soon.

This interpretation also means that they have translated the word that I have here taken to mean “undue botheration”, to mean unlawful sex.

But the fact is that this permission or encouragement to marry slave girls is mentioned in the verse much before the mention of “This is for those who fear undue botheration”. In between there are intervening narratives: 
Examine the verse again:

“And he who does not have the means wherewith to wed free believing women, they may wed believing girls from among those whom your right hands posses. And Allah has full knowledge about your faith. You are one from another: Wed them with the leave of their owners, and give them their dowers, according to what is reasonable: they should be chaste, not fornicators, nor taking adulterous.  However, after they have been taken in wedlock, if they commit obscenity, their punishment is half that of free married women. This is for those who fear undue botheration. And it is better for you if you would exercise patience. God is Very Forgiving, Consistently merciful. “

Finally, after the command to exercise lenience regarding the punishment of slave girls we have: “(Even) this (lenient punishment of only 50 lashes) is (only meant) for (the satisfaction of) those who fear undue botheration.  And it is better for you if you would exercise patience. God is Very Forgiving, Consistently merciful.   

In other words, in the verse, way after permission to marry believing slave girls, we have the command to show lenience to the slave girls who commit obscenity after entering into such wedlock. Soon after this command to show lenience, we have: “This is for those who fear undue botheration”. This is followed by the clarification that it is better to be patient (thus remitting even this half punishment).

From the above mentioned discussion, we understand that the verse 4:25 does not corroborate the meaning pedaled by the traditionists that permission to marry believing slave girls is only for those who fear that they have run out of patience regarding their modesty!

The traditional interpretation will also mean that you are not in any way encouraged, but rather just permitted to marry believing slave girls! And that too only in case you fear that you could no more control yourselves!

First of all, this sounds like saying that believing slave girls are rather inferior!
This diametrically contradicts 24:32, wherein marriage of reformed slave girls is encouraged.

What is the message such an interpretation has for the young men belonging to our twenty first century?

That in this modern age we do not have such divinely ordained easy facility to marry! Either, Allah is biased against us, or we must conclude that the shari’a does have some alternative for us. Otherwise it will be taken for granted that we do have a special privilege that Allah will certainly remit our commitment of obscenities to a considerable extent! 

Once this message sinks in, Western culture will altogether overwhelm the Muslim World. All importance will be attached to mere (religious) symbols. And shedding of blood for the sake of religious symbols will dominate world politics. Integrity of character will become archaic.

But if it is the punishment of the slave girl is what Qur’an means, then the squalid state of life that used to be the lot of those girls and the great struggle and patience that was needed for their redemption will become apparent.

A. Ismail Sait. 


Perhaps the following insight throws some faint light on the wisdom of the sequence of the verses in the Revelation as it has been received by us:

The first mention of cohabitation with “what your right hands possess” appears in 4: 3.

The phrase appears again in 4: 24. 

THE CONDITIONS FOR SUCH COHABITATION are mentioned in the next verse: 4: 25.

Altogether the phrase is mentioned in 15 places in the Qur'an.

All the rest, 12 in number, are mentioned only after the explanatory verse 4: 25.   

They are:

4: 36, 16: 71, 23: 6, 24: 31, 24: 33, 24: 58, 30: 28, 33: 50, 33: 50, 33: 52, 33: 55, 70: 30.

A. Ismail Sait.


Also thanks to Saba for:

which is a must-read.

In this respect I would like to add that Islahi has drawn on the secondary sources themselves to show that stoning to death was never intended as a punishment for adultery.

A. Ismail Sait.

Thus, our so called ulema feel completely paralyzed and quite at a loss to bring in any relevant proof against Islahi on this subject.

General Discussions / Re: Tafseer of Surah Ar Ra'ad Verse 11
« on: September 08, 2013, 05:10:28 AM »
qaum in Arabic primarily means a group of men. The word is also used to denote communities consisting of both men and women. Of course the communities may be big or small.

Now study the same word used in 49: 11 which says: "...let not any group (of men) laugh at another group in contempt or ridicule..."

Naturally, this gesture of contempt need not be a coordinated collective act of a group.

Of course this does not mean that all the individuals in a group need not reform themselves.

In fact political stability and political sway was a promise from God for those among the sahaba who believed and did righteous deeds really earnestly, according to (24: 55).

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