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Messages - wanderer

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What about ancient manuscripts of the Quran, are they any differences between them and modern editions??

I've already told you. Stop beating around the bush.

Can someone just please help me, how do we know Hafs is correct???!!

Can you put that in English please:)

What about my other inquiries?

A few more questions then: Are there any differences that cause a change in meaning? Even if the Quran only says that the message will be preserved, wouldn't God want to protect every letter of the Holy text? And how do we know that the Hafs transmission is correct, not the Warsh one?? Please respond.

I want to know what the TYPE of differences are. Are THEY JUST prononciation or spelling. The article seems to say the differences are more important than that. And how do we know that Hafs is correct?? And why would God allow even 5% of believers to become misled with even a slightly different version of the Holy text. PLEASE PROVIDE A RESPONSE TO EACH POINT INDIVIDUALLY INSTEAD OF MOCKING ME!!!!

I'm really sorry I just was really upset and got carried y
away right now I am just very agitated that despite me bringing it up again and again NOBODY has answered my main question: WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE TRANSMISSIONS SPECIFICALLY. Everyone here seems to be dodging my inquiries, which has made me very angry. Please, can you help me?!

I simply don't understand how God could let even 5% astray by following a slightly altered edition of the Holy text-- if the Hafs edition is even correct! What if the Warsh edition is the right one?? And still nobody has answered my question as to what ARE the differences in the first place. This forum has been extremely evasive and unhelpful.

I now see that Brother Elijah did provide an answer. Thank you. So what are the differences and how do they change things? I'm sorry if I seem annoyed, but I am kind of agitated. Lately, I have become extremely obsessed with religion and Big Picture questions which has caused me to become depressed and extremely anxious. This site has helped me somewhat, and I look forward to hearing your response.

I'm sorry, but all I request is an answer to my question which you are skirting around. This is making me very agitated. Please answer my question. Thank you.

Dear Good Logic
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are saying. All I want to know is, are there are differences between Hafs and Warsh that may alter the way the Quran is perceived/read/interpreted, even slightly.

Because Joseph's article makes it seems like their are other, more significant differences that may cause a slight change to the message, which is what worried me. In particular, the article mentioned particular changes in chapters nine and ten.

Peace. Are their any other type of variation besides pronunciation?

I don't speak arabic, so I had trouble understanding the pdf Brother Elijah shared.

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