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Messages - sharon

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General Discussions / Re: Physical Bodies in Heaven
« on: February 10, 2017, 05:10:17 PM »
3. Also does it mean we will only be praying and praising and doing spiritual stuff not are own stuff etc
4. And will we have work and can we decide to do work and not work  and like I said we will have physical boddies but they will be different correct and heaven both physical and spiritual correct

General Discussions / Re: Physical Bodies in Heaven
« on: February 10, 2017, 04:51:24 PM »
1. But does this mean that we won't have the same mind meaning like rembering this world like sins and history and such does it mean we will forget off this world won't rembering anything does it mean we won't look back at history to learn etc
2. And does it mean that when the verses say we have whatever we desire does it mean the stuff only in heaven that we won't have the desires for the stuff from earth like a car into heaven or will we have those desires

So does 89:9 mean there dwellings have to be like new or can 89:9 mean the there dwellings can just be cave like with the front gone etc can 89:9 mean that or does 89:9 mean the dwellings have to be like new with the front still there

General Discussions / Re: Physical Bodies in Heaven
« on: February 10, 2017, 04:25:15 PM »
Ok thanks so to sum up we will still have human boddies and they will be physical with flesh and bone and paradise will be physical and spiritual and will still be humans male and female with different heights but our body's will be a new creation of flesh and bone human form physical is this all correct jazzakkallah

So like the women said the petra buildings must of been done by someone else than the nabateans and I agree but I still don't think it was thamud because like I said it looks younger than the pyramids

General Discussions / Re: Physical Bodies in Heaven
« on: February 10, 2017, 12:51:02 PM »
Assalam alikum nur so do you agree that paradise will be physical and we will have physical boddies even thow 56:35 says we will be new creation different from our resurrected boddies

General Discussions / Re: clarification needed by joesph islam
« on: February 10, 2017, 12:46:09 PM »
Also will we still be male and female and are the angles male and female or do they not have a gender

General Discussions / Re: clarification needed by joesph islam
« on: February 10, 2017, 12:19:49 PM »
When it says we will be a new creation what does that mean does that mean we won't be humans or have are human bodies what we are resurrected with

Assalam alikum thanks for the video duster I've watched it and found it very good this is my views on the video and I have 3 questions relating to this at the end

so here are my views.

1. It was good thought
2. It is possible that maybe thamud did the caves the little ones
3. But thamud could not off done the big petra building because it looks younger then the pyramids in Egypt
4. Even thow thamud could of done the caves thamud could not have done the ones in Turkey and the other places
5. But there is more we don't know so it has to be more searched in
6. Again thamud could not off done the buildings in mada'in saleh because again it looks younger than the pyramids in Egypt
7. It has signs of a earthquake but I don't know if there were several in different times but the earthqauke in 300 ad could not off been the one to destroy the thamud
8. I still think there somewhere else like yemon maybe near where ad was destroyed because there is a town called thamud
9.and like I said thamud has to be close to the timeline of noah because they are called the first nations in the quran

So here is my 3 qustions
1. Was the petra buildings covered by rocks and dirt then found or was it always showing
2. In the quran it says in 27:52 they are ruins utter ruins ruined so does 89:9 when it says carved out is it talking about the outside or the inside because if it is the inside then maybe in the prophets time the dwellings were just cave like because the outside might of withered away but if it is the outside then how does it fit with 27:52 when it says there dwellings are ruined  because how can the out side show carvings but be ruined fallen at the sametime
3. Could you call petra al hijr or anyplace with a rocky area al hijr

But like I said it was a very good thought provoking video thanks

Assalam alikum also when you say everything return to allah do you mean only living beings or do you mean the earth and stars are resurrected as well

General Discussions / Re: 24:41-42
« on: February 10, 2017, 03:19:54 AM »
And when it says they know there own mode of prayer is this talking about only living beings or living and non living beings

General Discussions / 24:41-42
« on: February 10, 2017, 03:09:43 AM »
41. “Have you not seen that unto Allah glorifies whosoever is in the heavens and the earth, and the birds with wings outspread (in their flight)? Each one knows its own (mode of) prayer and praise. And Allah is Aware of what they do.”
42. “And unto Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and unto Allah is the ultimate return

Assalam alikum I was just wondering when it says (whosoever) 1. are these verses above only talking about living beings like humans jinns animals angles etc or 2. is it talking about non living beings as well like stars planets sun etc and if the answer is 2 then does that mean by verse 24:42 mean that the earth and stars and such be resurrected like us

Thank you jazzakkallah

Sorry forget what I put before ill put my questions like this sorry
1. Is this bit of the verse past tense or present (aaltheana jabbu al sakrah bilwadi)
2. Does sakahra here mean mountions or just normal bolders
3. Why is there a AL before the sakahra because if the verse is past tense the AL here makes it sound in the preasent tense
4. Is it possible for the verse (jabbu bi) to mean like brother deliverance said bring up the rocks from the valley and if yes why do no translations use it

My point is the verse sounds like in the present tense not the past but the jabbu is a verb what means past so it is confusing to understand the verse one minute it sound present the past

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