Islamic Duties / Re: Shortening of Prayers
« on: November 26, 2011, 04:08:05 AM »
Salaams to All,
I would like to use an analogy if I may. Say we are at a starting point A and need to travel to our destination B. I could choose to use the highway or avoid it, since both take me to the desired destination, neither were the wrong ways. If I am informed of a better way, then I would consider it.
In my understanding, we have been given some basic forms in how to perform Salaat (Wudu, Qayaam, Sujood, Timing, Direction, moderate tone etc), . Now, whichever way we perform Salaat, as long as the intentions are correct and we follow the best we truly believe is the correct / best / humble way, then in my opinion life is much easier than we are made to believe it is. Of course, in congregation prays would have to be done in a similar way for uniformity or the congregation aspect would be lost.
The fact that we are to 'establish' pray means that we must have a set way of praying to a degree otherwise it will not be an established practice. If we keep that criteria in mind, then shortening the pray makes complete sense when required as outlined in The Quran.
I see everything in a very simple way and get put off with complications when they are not needed. I am a simple man and like to keep things simple and to the point where I can.
Your Brother,
If you disagree, then please put forward a better argument derived only from the Quran. My intentions are not to knowingly disrespect anyone, if you feel any of my posts falling into that category, then please let me know and I will happily react appropriately.
I would like to use an analogy if I may. Say we are at a starting point A and need to travel to our destination B. I could choose to use the highway or avoid it, since both take me to the desired destination, neither were the wrong ways. If I am informed of a better way, then I would consider it.
In my understanding, we have been given some basic forms in how to perform Salaat (Wudu, Qayaam, Sujood, Timing, Direction, moderate tone etc), . Now, whichever way we perform Salaat, as long as the intentions are correct and we follow the best we truly believe is the correct / best / humble way, then in my opinion life is much easier than we are made to believe it is. Of course, in congregation prays would have to be done in a similar way for uniformity or the congregation aspect would be lost.
The fact that we are to 'establish' pray means that we must have a set way of praying to a degree otherwise it will not be an established practice. If we keep that criteria in mind, then shortening the pray makes complete sense when required as outlined in The Quran.
I see everything in a very simple way and get put off with complications when they are not needed. I am a simple man and like to keep things simple and to the point where I can.
Your Brother,
If you disagree, then please put forward a better argument derived only from the Quran. My intentions are not to knowingly disrespect anyone, if you feel any of my posts falling into that category, then please let me know and I will happily react appropriately.