« on: July 13, 2017, 08:55:35 PM »
From the Qur'an,
"They did not evaluate/estimate Allah His deserved/true value/estimation/capability, that truly Allah (is) powerful/strong, glorious/mighty." (22:74).
"Your Lord's praise/glory, Lord (of) the glory/might/power about what they describe/categorize." (37:180)
The Ultimate truth we all know is that Allah is THE MERCIFUL - THE ABSOLUTE; THE COMPASSIONATE - THE ABSOLUTE; THE WISE/ JUDICIOUS -THE ABSOLUTE and in all sense He is THE ABSOLUTE, THE OMNIPOTENT. So whether in this world or hereafter, the whole universe is under His judgement by each fraction of seconds. His judgement will never have any faults; free of all imperfections. We all are under His judgement always. So WE ALWAYS GET SERVED WITH WHAT WE DESERVE.
Then how come the innocents were burnt alive/ the innocent son of Adam killed ? Did THE MERCIFUL - THE ABSOLUTE; THE WISE/JUDICIOUS - THE ABSOLUTE was unaware of it ? Or He is The Omnipotent only in the hereafter ?, Not in this world ?? Will THE MERCIFUL treat His creation unjustly in this world ? It is impossible even to imagine such a concept when Qur'an says "Kataba 'ala nafsihi l-rahma" (He decreed on Himself the mercy, 6:12), "Kataba rabbukum 'ala nafsihi l-rahma" (your Lord decreed on Himself the mercy, 6:54).
But what actually happened in the above referenced article is that brother Joseph Islam added his own words in his interpretation. The word 'innocent' is nowhere had I found in the Qur'an that appears with the above mentioned person/ believers. And He also said Adam's son committed no crime.
he stated:
1. Calamities even befell the innocent where they were killed in the most distressing manner. Some were simply burnt alive only because they said they believed. (85:4-8)
2. Adam's son, who was wholly innocent, was slaughtered by the hands of his own brother. He committed no crime and was simply murdered... (5:27-30)
But how one can guess the past deeds of the people mentioned in the above verses ?
Is it like, the believers will always be sinless ? while the verse 8:29 says,
"You, you those who believed if you are careful of Allah/ fear and obey Allah, He makes/creates for you a Separation of Right and Wrong, and He covers/substitutes from you your sins/crimes, and forgives for you, and Allah (is Owner) of the grace/favour/blessing, the great."
[Remember even many of the Prophets committed sin including Prophet Muhammad (47:19, 48:2)]
And brother Joseph Islam also stated: "There is no exclusivity that calamity will only afflict the wrong-doers. Indeed, calamities will also afflict the innocent, the righteous".
Remember that none of us came in to this world by our own efforts. We came only by the mercy of Allah, He gave us the soul, He gave us the physical structure that we have and He only giving our provision. So He is the 'Sole Responsible' to take care of each of His creation. Then how come that innocents were killed in the most distressing manner in THE MERCIFUL'S Dominion?
and he translated the verse 8:25,
"And guard yourselves against a chastisement which cannot fall exclusively (khassah) on those of you who are wrong-doers, and know that God is severe in punishment."
The term 'lla tusweebanna' is mistranslated. The same did by many translators. Note that here 'lla' is used, usually for getting the opposite meaning 'laa' is using in Arabic.
I request you all to find the true meaning of this term.
The verse literally means,
"And fear (and avoid a) test/torture (that) strikes/hits especially/specifically those who caused injustice/oppression from you, and know that God (is) strong (severe in) the punishment." (M.Ahmed)
"Do your duty lest dissension strike those of you especially who do wrong. Know that God is Severe in punishment." (T.B.Irving)
So from the Qur'an it is understood that may all will undergo through various trials, but the severity of the trials will depends on one's past deeds.
"Who created the death/lifelessness and the life to test you which of you (is) better (in) deeds, and He is the glorious/mighty, the forgiving.' (67:2)
"And We will test you until We know the struggling/defending (for the faith) from you, and the patient, and We test/justify your news/information/knowledge." (47:31)
"And what struck/hit you from a disaster so (it is) because (of) what your hands gathered/acquired, and He forgives/pardons on much." (42:30)
"And if We made the people taste/experience mercy, they became happy/delighted with it, and if a sin/crime (harm) hits/strikes them because (of) what their hands advanced/introduced, then they, they despair." (30:36)
"The corruption/disorder appeared/became visible in the shore/land and sea/ocean because (of) what the people's hands earned/gained/acquired to make them taste/experience some/part of what they made/did, maybe/perhaps they return." (30:41)
"...so if they turned away, so know that what Allah wants that (He) strikes/hits them with some/part (of) their crimes, and indeed many of the people (are) debauchers." (5:49)
"What struck you from a goodness, so (it is) from at Allah, and what struck you from a sin/crime (harm) so (it is) from your self, and We sent you to the people, (as) a messenger and enough with Allah, (as) a witness/present." (4:79)
Many of us may have the experiences of suffering of our beloved ones with extreme pain/ difficulty, but one thing we should know that whether it is mother/father/spouse/children or friend, we can't judge any individual-who they are inside actually, as Allah knows them. We are knowing them only through their outer expressions which they show to us, we are having no way to know individual's inside. Some will be truthful and some will never be.
Qur'an gives an example of the Prophet Nooh and his son, (11:45-46)
45. "And Noah called/cried (to) his Lord so he said: "My Lord, that my son (is) from my family, and that your promise (is) the truth, and you are most judicious (of) the judges/rulers."
46. "He said: "You Noah, that he is not from your family/relation/people. That his deed is not correct/righteous, so do not question/ask Me, what is not with knowledge to you with it (you have no knowledge of), that I advise you that you be from the lowly/ignorant."
Here it is clear that the Prophet Noah was not having the knowledge of something about his son (which leads his son to destruction).