« on: February 08, 2014, 02:11:21 AM »
Salaam Ismail,
I doubt urine cured anyone, especially if it was any good for someone God would not command us to purify yourself in wadu, before prayer if we urinated. If urine was the case to cure, worldwide people with all type of sickness and diseases would not be going to doctors for treatment or dying, one would just drink urine at home. Besides it is considered impure otherwise
Allah is the only one who cures.. Several examples are given in the Quran on Jesus doing and it was ONLY permissible by Allah who allowed it.
As for 5:1, the entire Quran is filled with what is permissible for animal to consume. Allah actually names these animals for you, Aya, that are full of examples, using clear words describing the Animal. A while ago when I started to look into the Quran to understand it, there was a article about this non Muslim who looked in the Quran mentioning how the Quran uses the following and gave examples on some verses, I started paying attention to verses to make a better conclusion on the verse and meanings, with of course the meaning given in the verse..
Alliteration, Analogy, Antiphrasis, Antithesis, Asyndeton, Assonance, Cadence, Chiasmus, Epizeuxis,
Equivoque, Homonymy, Hyperbole, Isocolon, Metaphor, Metonymy, Palindrome, Polyptoton, Rhetorical questions (MY FAVORITE, Allah uses this to have one think and ponder about the Question in the Aya)Synecdoche. That is why Allah says no one can ever produce a book like it and not even an Aya. He uses many different ways as a Figure of Speech throughout the Quran.
Thought is a power which arises in the individual mind. It is expressed through the medium of words, and it is through words that the idea of one person is communicated to another. The idea and the word are quite different from each other in both their nature and origin. The idea is a mental conception. The word is only what you hear, one automatically connects that to what they know of what that word means and have a mental picture of thought in their head, but in a mysterious way Allah is using in the Quran, it is harmonized with idea. In human life the beginning of the word is with the names of things. Allah taught Adam the names of all things (Qur’an 2:31). Conceptions are concealed in words, whether they are conceptions of things or those of feelings and emotions. Inverse 7:174, Allah uses the word cattle to describe human beings, are we going to go around eating humans because we are cattle as well? That is why I said He actually tells us what is allowed and what is not in the Quran, through examples, and stories of the past. In order to fully understand the verses in the Quran, it is not like how one would read a book. The Quran is the only book that has been EVER written they way it has, it tells one who the Author is alright.. lol
A literary approach to the Qur’an is necessary because the Qur’an is a work of literature; it has its own procedures and corresponding rules of interpretations. It will yield its meanings fully only if explored in terms of its kinds of writing.
You are sticking to the word Lawful and Unlawful verses. He is talking about cattle, the eight kinds He mentioned in other verses, Stop focusing on that, there are clue and hints from the creator what these animals are in the entire Quran. Wholesome foods in the “ardi” are about plants and fruits not a living thing as you think about animals. Unless you read the entire Quran and study it as I mean by saying reading, you are not going to understand the Quran. The description of everything in the regards to what can be consumed of His creatures is right in front of you. Do not stick with what the Quran tells you in a translation books, they are very misleading in many verses. If you do not speak or understand Arabic to read it in the context in original, there are ways you can still do this...
There are clues about everything in the Quran where Allah lists either a group of animals or by name and He still goes on repeating this. How you are taking 5:1 verse is extremely out of context. You see the Quran was not revealed in the order you are reading it today. Verse 5:1 was the 112 verse to the Quran. All other verses which if you read the entire Sura of Al-Mã’edah, there are SOOOO much repeated and reminders of what He already mentions thought the Quran. I, and when I say "I" view it this was when I am researching, studying the Quran. It might not be the case, but when I looked at the Aya's on how originally they were revealed before Allah put them in the order He wanted, it seems that way. Verse 9, is chapter Tubah, which is a whole chapter full of warnings, and last Sura is Chapter 110. It is About Allah Almighty as closing the end of the Revaluations. Look how He compiled Surat Al Fatiha, It only speaks about Him. Allah tells you how He created animals of all kinds and taught Adam their names... then He tells you what kind He is ONLY allowing you to slaughter, He also tells you what He created them for the purpose, to worship him and them having communities like us, He tells us not to transgress many times when it comes to what He is Allowing. A good sura for you would be to read sura AlBaqura. When Moses tells his people God wants them to sacrifice a cow... look at the story Allah tells us, using it as an example and HINT! All the words and example should be taking into consideration when trying to understand the meaning of certain words or verse. There are many English translations Quran and even on websites like Quran Corps who have some words completely wrong and nothing to do with what the meaning of the word is or what it addresses. For instance, they use "Man" " "men" in a description of a word God uses for both female and male audience, for all humans.... In English it might be that the word men/man can describe a wide variety of people, but in Arabic, it does not, there are verses in the Quran that God addresses females using their correct word/description same for men/man. So it misleads the reader in the English language (I do not know if they do this in other translations in other languages) and can mislead the reader on the entire verse.
A good example also is what Brother Deliverance put on a different thread, about verse 2:53/54. In all the translations in the English Quran and on the Quran Corps, they have kill yourself/yourselves. So that is why it is extremely important to study the Quran, word by word and look at the other verses. It is a book full of knowledge and so many things that is compiled for meanings on other verses. I only wrote all this to help you get an idea how to approach the Quran besides what Brother Joseph has on his site which is what this is in a way, I think. It certainly is not going to be over night Brother, it was 23 years for the Rasool to get all 114 chapters. Most importantly, DO NOT go on websites that say Quran ONLY that tell you the tafseer or opinion on what the words or verse means. If they have NO PROOF showing it to you, they are only justifying verses for themselves, have a HUGE EGO and THINK they know what it means, and so many other reasons. They have PhD behind their names and that is usually used to drive others in to believe what they are saying.
There is no difference if you have a PhD or not, it is do you understand what is in the Quran? Scholars who spent their whole life studying it in their Islamic schools still do not understand what Allah says about Hadith, Idolization, Hijab, Kimar, and they even call Muhammad Illiterate and not it was not him who wrote the Quran, yet they believe this and still put his name next to Allah in the Shahada? They do not think. be VERY WEARY of QURAN ONLY preachers, They left the Hadith and say how ridiculous it is and only need Quran, which is the way Allah tells us, but they create even worse things in their understanding of the Quran, so it is no difference because it is not what Allah is saying. I emailed a explanation to one site who I will not mention, about verse 4:34 on how they have it wrong about beating, which the guy does have a PhD, and he describes the verse, well God is not saying beat them, but that is the last resort so God is giving you other options first. I emailed the site and said no, you should correct it and showed them the proof of what BJ has explained and not because he explained it, rather Allah’s own words as he used. I got a reply back that no, it was the right meaning and I should accept it and not question it. To me that is a scary thing.. Do you think I would ever believe what they are explaining in their other verses? NO! So STAY away from sites, and if you Google Quran ONLY sites it will give you a list I am talking about… They are the ones who provide no proof and a lot I noticed they get their explain nation from other sites. SCARY.. They list no proof but explanations of the verses and they list other verses that they are patching together to the verse in question to make the reader believe it makes sense that this verse, means this. It is a psychological illusion that makes others believe what they are putting down. I do not think they are doing it purposely, they are just way off in their beliefs or cannot handle what Allah is saying and want to tweak it to better fit their ideas, wants and needs.
There are many sites I have seen, articles I came across that was outrages on how they got their understanding on many things out of the Quran. Like Haijj is not an obligatory, Prayer as described in the Quran does not need to be done, but prayer in the mind, and so on. They are the hypocrites and the devil has got a hold of their minds thinking this way. It might make sense to some, but it is only going to make those people one of the losers following such sites and beliefs. So study the Quran with a fresh mind. Inshallah someone will write the Quran in English that has the correct meanings of the verses and give a description. I think I see how you get your thinking on lawful for animals, many sites who have Quran only are telling people this.. They are only leading you astray. They are MISGUIDED, What Allah says is one thing.. How the other person reads it is another... Hope this helps, I am really trying to show you how one is only able to understand what Allah is saying and how to approach reading and studying the Quran. Ask Allah for guidance, He will if you are sincere...