Dear [name removed]
I will respond to your citation of the Quran with a view that it may assist.
With regards your citation of verse 4:24 and 33:50 and what I sense is your emphasis on the Arabic term,
'ma malakat aymanukum’ (Literally: What your right hands possesses)", please see my article below which attempts to address this from a Quran's perspective.
SEX WITH SLAVE GIRLS regards your rendition of verse 33:26, you have included bracketed comments
'Banu Qurayza' and
'women and children' which
do not exist in the Arabic text of the Quran. What you are doing (inadvertently or intentionally) is taking later reports by fallible compilers and historians who had their own theological axes to grind, and imposing it on to the interpretation of the Quran
as fact. I respectfully find this an
unwarranted interpolation.
Neither does the term
'Banu Qurayza' exist in the entire Quran nor does the elaborate
'story' that you find in Islamic secondary sources. Therefore, your interpretation retains an
underlying premise that the secondary source narrative is correct. Therefore you are
NOT quoting
explicitly from the primary source.
With regards your comment:
"It is a fact the Prophet married a 6 year girl when he was 51 and started having sex with her when she was 9 and he was 54. He also had sex with his daughter in law. How do you justify this? He actually married more than 20 times to very young girls. Why?"How is this a fact dear [name removed]? Where in the Quran does it say this? The honest answer is nowhere. Again, if you are asking me to admit secondary sources which were not canonised until centuries after the death of the prophet by fallible compilers and to read these narratives into the Quran, then I am afraid this is not a discussion from the
'primary source'.With regards marriage and how the Quran views marriageable age, please see the article below:
WAS AYESHA REALLY A CHILD BRIDE? - MARRIAGEABLE AGE FROM THE QURAN regards keeping Jews and Christian as friends, please see my response to this below:
Taking Jews, Christians or Disbelievers as Friends regards your citation of verse 9:29, please see my response to this below.
A MESSAGE OF PEACE OR TO LIVE BY THE SWORD humbly encourage / urge you to put what I have shared with you to scrutiny.
I trust that this helps in some small way.
Kind regards,