Dear Lobotomize94
As-salam alaykum
You respectfully share the following:
Quran 56:60-61 would be extremely explicit if it was referring to our forms in the hereafter. Unfortunately, some say that it is referring to Allah replacing humans with another species on Earth through some kind of natural selection involving death. What is your take on that? Is it speaking about the hereafter?In my humble view, the verse context is absolutely clear in that it pertains to what happens
when one dies (as decreed) and
what follows thereafter to them. These verses, with respect, remain explicit.
"We have decreed death among you and We are not to be overcome. In order that We may change your likeness and produce you into what you know not."With your suggestion, one may ask as to how could this narrative be referring to the creation of
another species on earth when the subject reference is
‘the one who dies’ and it is
their forms that is being referenced as created anew
(produce you - wanunshi-akum) in a manner
that they know not? There would arguably be no point in suggesting to one that passes away in death, that they will not know of what would be created after them on earth. Such an obvious intimation would arguably be superfluous in this context.
As I am sure that you will appreciate, giving life to bones so that it is part of a new creation is
one thing. Resurrecting the complete human being in
exactly the same form as they existed on earth is quite
another. With respect, there remains a crucial difference between the two and the Quran only confirms the former in explicit terms.
One only has to ponder a little on this matter to realise that even one's own anatomical structure changes throughout their maturing life on earth. So the obvious question arises, if it is assumed that one’s bones are resurrected in exactly the same manner as they existed on earth, will their bones be replaced as when they were 5 years old, 15 years old, 35 years old, 70 or 90 with all the possible ages in-between or as when they died?
If the former is accepted for argument sake, then this would be an arbitrary process and if the latter, then in the new world, some will be potentially recreated around as 5 year old children (as when they died), others in their middle ages and others still, in infirm old age in the same manner as they passed away. As you can appreciate, this is a very problematic scenario laced with conjecture.
As one can imagine, this will lead to the same kind of slippery slope questioning one after the other that is beyond the remit that the Quran provides as guidance. As we can all appreciate, one
must remain vigilant not to elicit
finer and finer details of a general religious commandment or theological perspectives that the Quran is intentionally silent on. After all, the Quran instructs believers to only engage with clear matters (3:7; 18:22).
However, I humbly posit the following that I feel can be deduced from the Quran:
- Humans will be created into a form unknown to them "..In order that We may change your likeness and produce you into what you know not." (56:61); ‘Lo” We have created them a (New Creation)” 56.35
- Does this mean that God may use some form of skeletal system (one's bones) to create some kind of structure? - Yes this is quite possible, but it will still be a new creation unknown to our minds.
- Will the form be exactly like what we had on earth? - Arguably not. Please see (1) above. Having any kind of knowledge of the 'form' would negate the verses in (1) above. An earthly form is known to humans.
Furthermore, it remains noteworthy that one's anatomy including one's bone structure undergo physiological changes from birth to death to cater for earthly needs and as a result of one's life burdens. There is absolutely no proof that the state of felicity in the Hereafter will be exactly the same as here on Earth. Rather, the Quran provides many similitudes which infer that the environment will be somewhat different to our own here on earth, as will our ability to interact with it. - God retains the absolute ability to create whatever He wills and resurrect one in whatever form He wills, even if He wills to recreate one down to their very fingertips.
- Could there be a similarity of form as we had on earth? This is quite possible, though one will not know what the exact form will be (56:61). However, it is very plausible that to undergo retribution, some kind of mechanism will be present in order to feel pain, especially if an evil-doer is to undergo some of the punishments as listed below:
The paralysing cold (78.25), scorching fire and scolding water and shade of black smoke (56.43) burning till it changes the colour and skins of man (74.29) and every time their skin is roasted it will be recreated (4.56), They will eat from the deadly tree of Zuqqum with its food like the heads of devils (37.62-68) and like molten brass will boil in their bellies like boiling scolding water (44.43-46) and it will cut up their bowels to pieces (47.15). They will also drink boiling water because of the intensity of their thirst like that of camels (56.55), from a boiling spring (88.5) and eat food of bitter thorns that neither nourishes nor avails against hunger (88.6-7). The fuel of fire is men and stones (66.6) and their garments are of melted copper and their faces will be covered in fire (14.49-50). - Is it possible that those that are given felicity (heaven) will have different forms as compared to those who are in hell-fire which are given their same bodies in return? There is no unequivocal proof for this other than what is explicitly stated in the Quran. What we know for sure is that our forms will be unknown to us. Yes, they may have similar physiological overlaps to our earthy bodies (e.g. have a skeletal system, skin etc.), but they will be designed to either cater for an endless abode in paradise or the ability to undergo repetitive punishment (e.g. burning) in hell. Arguably, our exact earthly bodies are not catered for that kind of longevity or harsh environment. Thus it can be posited that these bodies will have a different essence to them to undergo such conditions, albeit that they may have similitudes with our earthly form (e.g. anatomical overlaps).
I hope that this clarifies, God willing