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Offline Irfan

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Salam all,
We are all familiar with the traditional stories of the remarkable beauty/handsomeness of Prophet Joseph (as) and the attempted affair of the governor's wife with him.  Yasir Qadhi, a renowned scholar, like most others like him, tells us that Prophet Joseph had half of the word's beauty.  My question for the honorable members of this form is "Is there any evidence from the Qur'an--especially from Sura 12---that Prophet Joseph was a pretty-faced prophet? If so, what verse is it that supports Prophet Joseph's legendary beauty?  Thanks.

Offline Joseph Islam

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Wa alaikum assalam brother Irfan,

It is not uncommon to find fantastic hyberboles in secondary source literature.

However, there is certainly support for the notion that Prophet Joseph was clearly recognised as possessing great physical attributes that would have the ability to leave individuals awestruck, dumbfounded and enchanted.

"...They saw him, they greatly admired him ...."(12:31)
"...They (women) said, "God forbid! (Hasha'lillahi) This is not a man! This is none other than a noble angel!..." (12:31)

The wife of the Aziz who was clearly besotted by Joseph and was so brazenly intent to seduce him, was so determined to prove her innocence, that she was willing to display Joseph’s beauty to others with a view to mitigate her own actions and desires.

"She said: This is he with respect to whom you blamed me for, and certainly I sought to seduce him, but he abstained, and if he does not do what I order him, he shall certainly be imprisoned, and he shall certainly be of those who are disgraced" (12:32).

I have also shared a related post below:


I hope this helps, God willing.

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell