Salaam mia666,
With respect to your question I, personally, don't believe that there can ever be correct answer to. I say that because I, personally, don't know if ever (here on earth) we will come in-contact with the Jinn or the Angel so as to know their anatomy (biologically).
That said, I don't believe that there is a contradiction between the Quran stating that all living beings are created from water (24:45) while also stating that the Jinn were created from fire and the Angels from light. It is possible that those two being, though created from and composed of different elements, may very well have water (whatever the percentage) in their system.
Furthermore, with respect to the claim of the Jinn being created from fire, I share the sentiment of joseph Islam when he states that: "Contrary to popular belief, the composition elements of the Jinn do not necessarily allude to a literal understanding of fire. There is indeed some semblance of fire (nar), but it is primarily a description used by the Quran to best describe to a 7th century Arab audience, a substance which they may not be familiar with."