Why Did God Ask Abraham to Kill His Son?

Started by Reader Questions, November 30, 2011, 06:48:16 PM

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Reader Questions

Assalam Joseph.

I wanted to know why Allah asked Prophet Abraham for a physical sacrifice by cutting the neck of his son?

Joseph Islam

Salamun Alaikum,

At no place in the Quran does it inform one that God asked for or commanded the sacrifice. We have to clear our minds completely of what we have learnt pertaining to this incident and 'rethink' and ponder from the Quran to ascertain its true perspective.

We note from the Quran:

  • At no place does the Quran inform one that God asked or 'inspired' Prophet Abraham to kill his son. Please note that God does 'inspire' his servants as he did with the mother of Prophet Moses to put her baby into the water (28:7).

  • At no place does the Quran inform one that God sent Prophet Abraham the dream. The Quran only informs us that Prophet Abraham had a dream (37:102). The Quran clearly informs us when God does inspire dreams such as with Prophet Muhammad (17:60; 48:27; 8:43) and those visions that are fulfilled such as with Prophet Joseph (12:4; 12:100). However, Prophet Abraham's vision was 'stopped' by God from being actioned (37:104-5).

We also know from the Quran that God does not advocate the killing of humans without just cause nor does He instruct evil acts to be committed. God only commands and enjoins justice (16:90).

What we learn from the Quran is that Prophet Abraham had a dream (37:102). He wasn't sure about the nature of the dream, so he sought his son's opinion on the matter (37:102). His son believed it from God and they both continued to submit to the task thinking it was from God.

God stopped them in time (37:104-5) and God informed them that they had already fulfilled the dream. There is a strong implication that this was because they had already 'submitted' in purpose to what they believed was a commandment from God.

Given this huge undertaking that they were willing to submit to, this was called a 'manifest trial' (balau-l'mubeen).

I hope this helps, God willing.
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell