Bonjour and salam:)
"And follow the best of what was revealed to you from your Lord before the punishment comes upon you suddenly while you do not perceive"--39.55
Isn't all of the Quran "the best"?
So why is it saying to specifically follow the best of what God revealed? Everything that God revealed is the best, right?
I'd like to know the opinions of other forum members on this issue:)
My thoughts are that the Quran not only contains guidance but it also contains good news, warnings, things about historical events, laws, parables and certain phenomena about the physical universe which we can use science to discover and learn about.
I believe "follow the best of what was revealed" refers to the guidance God has given us in the Quran. There are things which we can do which will please God like giving regular charity, praying regular, being humble, etc. and there are things which we can do which will bring us nearest to him (like what many of the prophets did), things which will make us stand out on the Day of Judgment such as suffering in the name of God, going out of our way to help others, forgiving those who have wronged us, etc.
So in short the Quran contains different kinds of things but what we are meant to follow is the guidance which is contained in the Quran. The other things in the Quran we can use to strengthen our belief, learn about our universe and lives, get a better understanding of this reality, etc.