Learn Arabic Alphabet And Free Islam Courses

Started by Qadada, March 15, 2016, 01:29:16 PM

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Salam Alakium, my name is Mohammed and I am a learn Arabic alphabet teacher and I provide a online course for people who want to learn Arabic online using pre-recorded video lessons. I will also have several free islamic course online on my website as well. One such course will be the Islamic Misconceptions Clarafied course and in that course I will be refuting common modern day Islamic misconceptions. A common claim as you all will know is Islam promotes terrorism and allows it. I refuted that and you can read my article about that subject already online on the the site topix under the islamic forum section. As most of you know the bigots are barking harshly on YouTube comments and on forums and even on videos that are islamic for Muslims and videos that have nothing to do with islam, so its important to refute the dogs when they bark. I also posted a article on the same site stating the top 10 ways ISIS was not Islamic. Many Muslims are not educated in the basics of Islam so they stand no chance refuting bigots and do you want to people to insult islam and th prophet and do nothing about it? That is the worst type of Muslim in my opinion. So as I said my Islamic Misconceptions Clarafied course will be totally free and you will learn effective and progressive replies and responses to bigots common accusations. I learned to refute them simply by debating with them on youtube comments for around 4 years and that is what trained me to be able to refute them. I will give you a quick example, the bigots say: Islam promotes terrorism and they say its no wonder ISIS does what they do its all in the Quraan and then they cherry pick verses. Now, what would your response be? Take a minute and imagine what would you say if discussing this topic with a bigot who is spreading lies? My reply is islam doesn't allow terrorism and you can't cherry pick verses to understand the meaning of the verses unless you read before and after the verses and if you don't do do so you must also conclude the Torah and Bible also promote terrorism because there are just as many apparent war and killing verses in both of those texts. I presented them the killing verses from the Quraan in the start of my article then I stated as I just said then I presented several war and killing verses from the Bible mainly from the Old Testament and one from the New testement of JESUS AS words according to Christians which was: "Do not think I have come to bring peace I have come with nothing but the sword":  book of Mathew. So as you can see I am just giving you a really quick summary of one of the refutations the entire refutation consists of a 1450 word article and as I said I will present all the refutations in video form on my website. And that course will be free among a few other courses like Arabic reading 102 and a Tajwed course which will not be taught by me. The only course open now is the learn arabic alphabet course which is presented via prerecorded video lessons as all of the courses will be. That course consists of 20 sessions that are around 1 hour long each. The learn arabic alphabet is open as I said and accepting students. Th free courses will be ready insha-Allah this summer. I have a A+ rating with the BBB which I am very proud of. So if you want to learn the arabic alphabet com home at your own pace which is not free. Or if you want to learn how to refute the barking dirty bigots then save my website on your computer and stay updated for the free courses and please dad more about the learn arabic alphabet course on this link that I posted a while back: http://www.somalinet.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=373094