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Offline relearning

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I was wondering about the protection promise of the God for quran. 15:9 "Surely We have revealed the reminder (Arabic: Dhikr) and We will most surely be its guardian (Arabic: Hafizun)" Its God's words and if God's words cannot be changed then why Christians and Jews were able to change it? Or why God didnt give them His protection and only spared this privilege to us to muslims? Why they were not that lucky or had God's favour on them? Are we choosen selected people regarding this issue? Should we feel that we are granted more blessings from God comparing to people of book? By the way ayats 6:115 and 18:27 states that God's words cannot be changed!

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Our brains do funny things to us. Even though we say we don't follow the later Islamic traditions, we read everything through a lense.

The text says nothing about corruption of previous scripture, but because our minds have been formed by traditions, we read it as if it does.

The Qur'an being "A Guardian" implies the opposite to what is being interpreted here. Guarding something assumes that it is not corrupted. Why would the Qur'an Guard something that is corrupt? That is an insult to the Qur'an.

We can be Qu'ran centric, but reading with a starting mindset, we can be far from the Qur'ans message.


Offline good logic

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Peace relearning.

How are humans being tested? What is a test?

Only GOD has the choice of how to test us.

These verses explain how GOD has chosen to test different generations:( the words are my understanding of the verses, you can always refer to the original Arabic and use your own translation)

2:213″ (At the start) The people used to be one community, when GOD sent the prophets/ messengers as bearers of good news as well as warners. HE sent down with them a scripture ( The word of GOD only!) bearing the truth ( submission to HIM and total loyalty.) to judge among them in their disputes ( to correct those who have deviated from the truth). Ironically those who received that scripture ( and deviated) were the ones who rejected any new scripture ( that is meant to correct them) despite clear proofs (that it is from GOD) given to them. This is  due to jealousy and division ( and arrogance). GOD guides those who believe ( submit and are loyal) to the truth that is disputed by all others ( all the other religions), in accordance with his will.”

2:253″ These prophets/ messengers; (that GOD has been sending) We blessed some of them more than others .( it is up to GOD) For example one was spoken to ( by GOD), and We raised some of them to higher ranks. And We gave Jesus, son of Mary, profound miracles, and supported him with the Holy Spirit. Had GOD willed, their followers would not have fought with each other, after the clear proofs have come to them. Instead, they disputed among themselves; Some of them believed ( submitted and stayed loyal to GOD) and some disbelieved. ( and took on other gods/ idols-men s laws/writings- prophets as idols) Had GOD willed they would not have disputed. ( But HE tests the loyalty of everyone) Everything is in accordance with the will of GOD.”

2:214″ Do you expect to enter paradise ( be part of the kingdom of GOD) without being tested? ( for your loyalty to HIM?)

2:256″ There is no compulsion in religion. ( You cannot force anyone to submit and be loyal, they are free to decide for themselves) The right way is now distinct from the wrong way. ( We humans opted for the freedom of choice, that is why we are here living this life) Anyone who denounces idol worship ( following other than GOD and disbelief) has grasped the strongest bond; ( submission to GOD and total loyalty to HIM) One that never breaks. ( A connection to GOD)  GOD is Hearer OMNISCIENT.”

The main message is the same in all the scriptures. Submission and total loyalty to GOD Alone.
Since Qoran was the last scripture ,GOD has made sure all the generations that follow will have access to it.

GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD

Offline relearning

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Our brains do funny things to us. Even though we say we don't follow the later Islamic traditions, we read everything through a lense.

The text says nothing about corruption of previous scripture, but because our minds have been formed by traditions, we read it as if it does.

The Qur'an being "A Guardian" implies the opposite to what is being interpreted here. Guarding something assumes that it is not corrupted. Why would the Qur'an Guard something that is corrupt? That is an insult to the Qur'an.

We can be Qu'ran centric, but reading with a starting mindset, we can be far from the Qur'ans message.


I dont mean the Quran must guard corrupted texts etc. I meant why this favour bestowed on us looking at the situation Quran contains ayat that it is under the protection of god and as it seems in the world we have one text mainly regarding quran but for other inspirations they are not given priviledge of being preserved in their original states many bible text including old and new its like through the eyes of a third human being i dont see any god talking there. Lots of canonizations gospels a diversity of sayings from old times. They are just reflections of what is left from inspirations and transferred from generation to generation like legends fables. I mean would not you envy Quran's physically being guarded if you were a jew or christian? Or what i understand from being guarded regarding quran is wrong and there is no promise for text to be guarded by god?

Offline relearning

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Peace relearning.
How are humans being tested? What is a test?

Only GOD has the choice of how to test us.

The main message is the same in all the scriptures. Submission and total loyalty to GOD Alone.
Since Qoran was the last scripture ,GOD has made sure all the generations that follow will have access to it.

GOD bless you.

What are you saying about that only God has the choice of how to test us is factual or normative?

As for if the message was same then what i say why their sources werenot protected to that level of Quran so what you are claiming that all the message being same would be followed by all generations easily from all different religions. Because at the current picture religions doesnt seem to unite in this very core point but even a religion itself is being dividing into sects which increase with each day passes.

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assalamu alaikum

maybe an alternative explanation here can make you think with a different perspective. May Allah guide us to His path.

In the end, Allah's words are protected. He revealed in the Quran what they concealed in the previous books. He certainly has a purpose for letting them change the previous scripture in their time. Maybe it was their test and they have failed. Eventually, He showed them that they couldn't alter the message indeed. The message is protected by the will of Allah in the Quran. SubhanAllah.

Offline good logic

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Peace relearning.

GOD created the rules, the earth and the universe. We did not have a choice in that.

GOD created us as humans . We did not have a choice in that.

We have the choice of abiding by GOD s rules or breaking them. We can choose our destiny.GOD will let us do that.

GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD