Are Qur'an Centric Muslims Literalists or Contextualists? A Quranist, BUT WRONG?

Started by Zack, March 31, 2016, 07:38:24 PM

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Shalom / peace why did Rashad khalifa support his justification to remove two verses of the Quran 9.128-29 by referring to hadith as well???? As you are a submitter, you surely think of him as a messenger of the covenant?


Quote from: good logic on April 07, 2016, 11:37:10 PM
Peace relearning.

What you say below contradicts Qoran, quote:

Just wanted to point out this: with historical, social and time context you can have a better understanding of quran. So using sensible hadeeth which arenot contradicting with qurans clear guidelines hadeeth can also help to some degree o understand its context. Rejecting hadeeth completely is kinda turning your back to an invaluble historical evidences.

Qoran claims that GOD s words are sufficient and no other source is needed:
وَاتلُ ما أوحِىَ إِلَيكَ مِن كِتابِ رَبِّكَ لا مُبَدِّلَ لِكَلِمٰتِهِ وَلَن تَجِدَ مِن دونِهِ مُلتَحَدًا

You shall preach/recite... what is revealed to you from your Lord. Nothing shall replace/abrogate His words. And you should not find/use any other source.

GOD bless you.

Salam good logic i disagree with you we need sources other than quran even to study quran. Turning to a dictionary will be even against the logic which comes from your interpretation of the ayat. its by the way 18:27 in my quran you stated 19:27. Quran only approach has its flaws which starts when you see that in order to understand quran you need mortal people's books, dictionaries and writers of such books even dont have to be saints or prophets or messengers they can even be non muslims. Quran asks us to use our mind, logic, to wander around the earth to see what happened old societies even this requires sciences such as history, Archaeology etc.

good logic

Peace relearning.

I am talking about "GOD s words" as authority about your salvation..

I am not saying do not use other sources for knowledge or for this life at all eg recipes ,history ,entertainment etc...

Qoran is a message from your Creator containing how to redeem yourself. GOD s words are sufficient for that redemption.

Of course you have the choice .You can choose whatever you decide, use whatever you want.Each has that freedom of choice.

My understanding only. I believe the Creator : "Al-Rahman Allama Qoran".

GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD


Quote from: good logic on April 07, 2016, 11:37:10 PM

Qoran claims that GOD s words are sufficient and no other source is needed:
وَاتلُ ما أوحِىَ إِلَيكَ مِن كِتابِ رَبِّكَ لا مُبَدِّلَ لِكَلِمٰتِهِ وَلَن تَجِدَ مِن دونِهِ مُلتَحَدًا

You shall preach/recite... what is revealed to you from your Lord. Nothing shall replace/abrogate His words. And you should not find/use any other source.

GOD bless you.

Just on the above quote from Good Logic..., firstly I think it is Surah 18, not 19.... Also every translation I see translates the last sentence...None can change His Words, and none will you find as a refuge other than Him.

We need to put ourselves back in the situation to understand what is happening. The Qur'an is all about UNITY. Uniting sectarian groups under a "Code of conduct" that was revealed to Muhammad..... Bringing Arabia under a single creed.

Whether the specifics of this "Code of Conduct" (ie. ethical and legal teachings of the Quran), was ever intended to go beyond Arabia I am not sure has any basis, whilst the essence of islam is universal.

This topic is vital for the Qur'an centric community I believe, that they will be "learners", in particular understanding the historical context of the revelation to Muhammad, so not to confuse the essence of the message with local legal teachings.


good logic

Peace Zack.

Thank you and relearning for pointing out it is surah 18. My mistake when writing the number.

Now, regarding the use of Qoran as a guide to our deen, there is no doubt that it requires every individual to check all information and filter the truth. Qorab confirms that "what has been revealed from our Lord"i.e GOD s words must be the only authority to be followed.

If one believes Qoran is the word of GOD, then one has to take the words seriously and believe GOD.

I also accept that other monotheists ,those who believe other scriptures, must also do the same.
All scriptures warn against "idolatry" .i.e taking men s words as authority beside GOD s.
But of course,everyone has the choice to follow their own understanding.

GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD

good logic

Peace Duster.

Please let me clarify again that I am a believer. , a "Muslim" to the Creator, My Lord and the Lord of everyone and every thing.

Now , I believe that Qoran is the word of GOD. I have solid proof. We already discussed the questions you are asking.

What is revealed from my Lord, Qoran, has the signature of GOD according to my checking. I believe every letter,every word and every verse that I have checked.

You believe according to your understanding.

Also ,from past discussions we have been advised not to discuss any numerology in here.

If you still want to know more ,I will  discuss with you my proof privately.

GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD

good logic

Peace Duster.

I forgot to mention that I do not use hadith or any other source to confirm "what GOD has revealed". It is sealed numerically by the Lord of the universe. Every letter,every word ,every verse and every chapter is locked. Adding to it or taking away from it is easily detectable.

Like I said to you if you still want to know more ,I will  discuss with you my proof privately. 
For example this is a tip of the iceberg:

I will not be discussing this further in here.

GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD


and also your evidence of using this ayat missing one point. This ayat puts prophet in the center aiming him. We are not him. We are not the direct addressee of this sentence. So using this evident is pointless for us muslims who are more than a thousand years away from the historical context of the prophets time. So as we need history we need every bits of information to enlighten the meanings of quran for us. So missing context of both historical time frame of quran is the main obstacle stands in front of us to understand it.