Is hell terminable for muslims?

Started by munir rana, August 12, 2016, 05:05:02 PM

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munir rana

Dear Brother Joseph Islam

Peace be upon you.

I really don't want to be engaged much with the issues regarding afterlife. But to satisfy one of my relative's query once again I just read your article titled IS THE PUNISHMENT OF HELL ETERNAL. Quite convincing. In the FINAL THOUGHTS you said:

"This is what this article attempts to explore and challenges the commonly held belief that the punishment of the fire of Hell is automatically eternal for anyone that enters it."

Surprisingly, many of our society believes that, if any muslim, who believed but have done wrong to themselves, will go to hell but after their due punishment they will enter paradise. And the punishment of hell eternal is only for kafir and mushriks. I do not know where this idea stem from? Somewhere else I have also read that after due punishment, with kafir and mushriks the hell will be vanished. Thus they (the writers) justify the eternity. Interesting.

Anyway, Is there any clue from the Quran that after due punishment muslims will enter paradise?

Best regards.


Nope, that idea is absolutely false, and likely has its roots in hadith. I've seen a facebook post in which Joseph says that he does not believe hell-dwellers will enter paradise once their sentence is up, but again no one really knows. However, at any rate, sinful Muslims will not receive a reprieve that sinful non-muslims will not.
Rather, We dash the truth upon falsehood, and it destroys it, and thereupon it departs. And for you is destruction from that which you describe. (21:18)


Peace. Such a person wouldn't be "in submission", would he/ she?

munir rana


Dear wanderer

Very much possible that it roots from hadith.
I also lightly remember about the facebook post of Brother Joseph. Would you please provide me the link, if you can.

Dear Gahaiile

There are a lot of people who claim themselves as farm believer in God and hereafter, but are also engaged with huge wrong deeds (such as taking bribe, not performing regular salat, cutting off the ties of relationships, lying, showing pride and arrogance, stealing, backstabbing etc. which are punishable according Quranic laws). They also do some good also (such as observing fasts, visiting the sick and giving charity etc.).  Then which would be the status of them - "in submission" or not? 
We can say (for the sake of argument) that these people are not in total submission. Only God knows the truth. The question was about them.
Allah said in Quran that He will forgive everyone except mushriks, if He wills. Some other places it is stated that He will forgive small sins, not great sins. But He also set some rules regarding good and bad deeds. Hence the argument comes, whether after punishment for those bad deeds the forgiveness will come for these believers or not.

Thank you both for your response.



Peace be upon you :)

I think the FB post you are looking for is,

Please also read the comments as I think you can find answers from it :)

Hassan A

Salaam munir rana,

QuoteSurprisingly, many of our society believes that, if any muslim, who believed but have done wrong to themselves, will go to hell but after their due punishment they will enter paradise.

When it comes to ANY religious assertions or theological standpoints (such as this one) they / it must find clear, unambiguous and unequivocal support from the Quran (as beautifully stated by brother Joseph Islam in one of his articles); as it is the Quran that is the primary and ultimate authority from God and the foundation of the Islamic faith. But if an alleged doctrine or theological standpoint is absent from the Quran (i.e finds no support from the Quran) then it means that said doctrine is false, has no part in Islam and must thus be rejected. This, therefore, holds true for the claim that Muslims who "believed", yet still end up in hell will some how (after receiving due punishment) be removed from said punishment. The burden is upon those who share his belief to provide clear, unambiguous and unequivocal support / verses from the Quran in support of this belief.

God knows best.

munir rana


Hassan 3000
Thanks for your kind co-operation. It helps a lot. Specially the comments of the post, as you said.

Hassan A
Thanks for your response. All religious assertions are not given in the Quran directly, I think. Some we can deduce indirectly from its suggestive verses.

As Brother Joseph said in his article that from a Quran's perspective, it appears that the punishment of the fire of Hell is automatically not eternal for anyone that enters it...
And As we know from Quran that there would be no death after our second death...
Then the question arises, what would be the state of those who are not going to suffer in hell for eternity.

After reading the facebook post and comments from Brother Joseph and others, I think, I got my answer, or at least it became more clear.

Forum Administrators/ QM Moderators Team
The facebook discussions are too long. It would be nice, if it were included as a summarized statement at the tail of the main article or as a different link. Just a suggestion. I thought it will hell help others.

Thanks to everyone.

Best regards.