
Started by Student, September 02, 2016, 12:00:22 PM

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Salaamun Alaykum,

I always have slight difficulty connecting end of 12:19 and the following 12:20 verses (Pickthall):

...And they hid him as a treasure, and Allah was Aware of what they did.
And they sold him for a low price, a number of silver coins; and they attached no value to him.

Most others rendered بِضَاعَةً as merchandise and almost all translated these verses conveying the meaning that the Caravan's intention was to hide Yusuf AS as valuable commodity until they sell him for a handsome price. Why hide and then sell for low price?

I did a search in the forum but couldn't find any thread discussing this difficulty. Hope to hear from enlightened folks, inshallah.
~ Student